Meaning (2022) 绘画 由 Olena Kovalenko

标记在纸上, 11.8x9 in
价格: 免费送货

发货地: 美国 (盒子或纸箱包装)
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最大分辨率: 870 x 1280 px

卖家 Olena Kovalenko

关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 标记 使用带有自己的墨水源的大毡制成的绘图。墨水可能会或无法消除。 [...]
Biography: Harmony in Symbols – The Artistic Journey of [Olena Kovalenko Born into a world ablaze with color and cultural heritage, Olena Kovalenko emerged as a visionary force, channeling her innermost[...]

Biography: Harmony in Symbols – The Artistic Journey of [Olena Kovalenko
Born into a world ablaze with color and cultural heritage, Olena Kovalenko emerged as a visionary force, channeling her innermost thoughts onto the canvas. A woman immersed in the sacred act of creation, her art serves as a testament to the power of self-contemplation and reflection.
Olena Kovalenko navigates the intricate realms of creativity, delving into the depths of her soul to explore the tapestry of her existence. With each stroke of her brush, she unravels a narrative that reflects not only her personal journey but also her profound understanding of her place in society.
Drawing upon many years of experience, Olena Kovalenko found herself drawn to the ancient symbols of the Cucuteni-Trypillian period. These symbols, rich in historical and cultural significance, became the heartbeat of her artistic expression. By incorporating them into her work, she bridged the gap between the ancient and the contemporary, infusing her art with layers of depth and wisdom.
What sets Olena Kovalenko apart is not just her mastery of technique but her unique approach to art as a conduit for spiritual communication. Each painting is a vessel carrying an encrypted message, a personal communiqué from the artist to the new owner. Through this individualized symbolism, Olena Kovalenko imparts a special energy and mental resource, unlocking the potential for creative realization and life purpose.
Her paintings, more than mere aesthetic wonders, are gateways to self-discovery. To Olena Kovalenko , each owner becomes a custodian of a piece of her artistic soul. As they decode the symbols embedded in the canvas, they open themselves to an enhanced understanding of their own creative potential, empowered to embark on a journey of purpose and fulfillment.
Olena Kovalenko invites you to explore the enigmatic depths of her creations, to unravel the hidden messages within the strokes and symbols. In her art, she not only captures the essence of the present moment but also gifts a timeless connection between the past, the present, and the boundless realms of human creativity.

查看更多的Olena Kovalenko

孔戴在纸上 | 8.6x11.8 in
标记在纸上 | 24x17.7 in
标记在纸上 | 8.6x11.8 in
标记在纸上 | 5.9x8.6 in

