Nina Rassen Εικόνα προφίλ

Nina Rassen

Καλλιτέχνης (Ζωγραφική, Γλυπτική)
Γεννημένος σε άγνωστη ημερομηνία
Πιστεύω ότι η τέχνη είναι αιώνια και η έμπνευση είναι η μόνη κατανοητή γήινη γλώσσα επικοινωνίας για όλους τους γήινους, και οι πίνακες και είμαι μόνο εργαλεία για την καλύτερη κατανόηση των μηνυμάτων του σύμπαντος.

 ISNI 0000 0005 0388 4080 


Creator of new Art style "Multidimensional bionics" (patented) 

NINA RASSEN - Princess by blood artist by heart.

It is amazingly interesting to follow NINA RASSEN’s art as you never wonder what comes next meanwhile the consistency of forms never fails and always comes with new sense and energy followed by the new message.

The multi-dimensional forms of her works are attracting more and more attention from experts on transcendental experiences, connoisseurs of arts, luxury brands all around the world.

Do you believe in the reincarnation of souls and that the soul is energy, and it does not disappear anywhere, but only changes its volume, states and bodies?

Nina the current earthly incarnation of her body is a direct descendant of the Old Russian prince family. And her soul also have a memory of reviving the incarnation of the Daarius princess.

 Now she appears in front of us as a nugget artist.

NINA RASSEN is an artist with an individual unique handwriting. Many subjects come to life in her paintings: ancient forgotten knowledge from the Universal Library (akash), as well as alien knowledge and intergalactic news which she transmits to us in an understandable format of an ART.

Despite the fact that the Princess went on the open air with her works relatively recently, since then the artist's works were shown at closed diplomatic and fashion events. Many famous brands, including luxury fashion giants are offering her various collaborations.

Place of the body: The princess is a woman of the world, she lived for a long time in Australia (Sydney), therefore, in her work, someone can see the motives of the aborigines of the mainland. She often lived in Italy (Venice), which she really misses - this city can be recognized in some of her works. Paris - took a special part in her life due to her professional work with a famous French luxury cosmetic brand.

 As a Princess she has organized numerous events to support people who seek inspiration trough different roles as artists, designers, singers, writers people of different art professions and different social positions from homeless to a descendant of the Romanov Russian royal family.

The paintings are painted in the Art Nouveau style, abstraction and bionics. Direct well-established dimensional communication and state of presence allows NINA RASSEN to transmit information in a 9-dimensional format.

"The soul is eternal", as they say in many religions and teachings. It is shown HOW in the works of NINA RASSEN.

 Deep centuries-old inter-dimensional knowledge, ancient cosmic maps of the universe come to life and gain new light and forms in the art of NINA RASSEN.

The knowledge and the heiress is already here.

Ανακαλύψτε σύγχρονα έργα τέχνης από το Nina Rassen, περιηγηθείτε σε πρόσφατα έργα τέχνης και αγοράστε online. Κατηγορίες: ρώσοι σύγχρονοι καλλιτέχνες. καλλιτεχνική τομείς: Ζωγραφική, Γλυπτική. Τύπος λογαριασμού: Καλλιτέχνης , μέλος από 2021 (Χώρα προέλευσης Ρωσία). Αγοράστε τα τελευταία έργα του Nina Rassen στο Artmajeur: Nina Rassen: Ανακαλύψτε την εκπληκτική έργα του σύγχρονου καλλιτέχνη. Περιηγηθείτε έργα τέχνης, να αγοράσετε πρωτότυπα έργα ή upscale εντυπώσεις.

Nina Rassen Εικόνα προφίλ Μεγάλες

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Όλα τα έργα τέχνης από Nina Rassen

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