poppy portrait pastel (2023) 绘画 由 Natalia Balashova. Pastelist.

粉彩在纸板上, 11.8x5.9 in
价格: 免费送货
客户评价 (2)
发货地: 俄罗斯 (盒子或纸箱包装) 在1周 - 由于该国目前的情况,可能会出现额外的延误
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  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 绘画, 粉彩 在纸板上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 11.8in, 宽度 5.9in
  • 艺术品状况 艺术品完好无损
  • 是否含画框 此作品未装裱
  • 分类 画作 低于US$500 形象艺术
The work has been drawn with soft pastels and pastel pencils on canson touch .

I only use the highest quality pastels for all my works which are lightfast and therefore will last indefinitely. This work measures 30 cms x 15 cms and comes unframed.

This artwork will be sent out flat packed and very well packaged by recorded delivery[...]
The work has been drawn with soft pastels and pastel pencils on canson touch .

I only use the highest quality pastels for all my works which are lightfast and therefore will last indefinitely.

This work measures 30 cms x 15 cms and comes unframed.

This artwork will be sent out flat packed and very well packaged by recorded delivery to ensure its safe arrival.

As you wish it will be possible to design chosen picture in passe-partout and frame with glass
In this case you get extra bill for this service



Soft pastel artist. National Pastel Society of Russia. The creative path began with realism, continuing to explore the possibilities of such a unique medium as pastel, exploring new methods and styles.[...]

Soft pastel artist. National Pastel Society of Russia.
The creative path began with realism, continuing to explore the possibilities of such a unique medium as pastel, exploring new methods and styles. I draw inspiration from nature in all its manifestations: in the earth, in the sea and in the sky;  in feelings and emotions;  in the past and present.  Sources of inspiration are used to create interesting landscapes and still lifes, portraits that come to life on paper. Colors, light, structures and shapes are used in a certain harmony and are at the heart of the work. Exhibited at exhibitions, her works are in private collections in Russia, Italy, Germany, as well as in the Italian Museum at the S'Daniele Monastery.

My dream is to see the world, find my place in it, find out who I am in this world and show all the beauty of life through pastel.

Member of the National Union of Pastels

Member of the professional union of artists

Творческий путь  начинался с  реализма, продолжая исследовать возможности такого уникального материала, как пастель, исследую новые методы и стили. 

Черпаю вдохновение в природе во всх ее проявлениях: в земле, в море и в небе; в чувствах и эмоциях; в прошлом и настоящем.

 Источники вдохновения используются для создания интересных пейзажей и натюрмортов, портретов, которые оживают на бумаге.

Цвета, свет, структуры и формы, используются в определенной гармонии и лежат в основе работ. 

Выставлялась на выставках, работы находятся в частных коллекциях в России, Италии , Германии, а также в итальянском музее при монастыре S’Daniele.

Моя мечта увидеть мир, найти свое место в нем, узнать, кто я в этом мире и показать через пастель всю красоту жизни.

Член Национального союза пастелистов.

Член Профессионального Союза Художников

查看更多的Natalia Balashova. Pastelist.

粉彩在纸板上 | 11.8x18.9 in
粉彩在纸上 | 13x9.5 in
粉彩在纸板上 | 10.2x15 in
粉彩在纸板上 | 23.6x15.8 in

