Tangled Depths (2024) 绘画 由 Naomi Czupryna

丙烯在帆布上, 14x11 in
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卖家 Naomi Czupryna



最大分辨率: 2792 x 3590 px

卖家 Naomi Czupryna

"Tangled Depths" is a captivating mixed media oil painting that showcases the intricate beauty of an octopus in its natural habitat. The deep blue oceanic background provides a stunning contrast to the reddish-brown creature, with tentacles adorned with pinkish suckers reaching out across the canvas. The detail in the octopus's eye adds[...]
"Tangled Depths" is a captivating mixed media oil painting that showcases the intricate beauty of an octopus in its natural habitat. The deep blue oceanic background provides a stunning contrast to the reddish-brown creature, with tentacles adorned with pinkish suckers reaching out across the canvas. The detail in the octopus's eye adds a captivating element to the overall composition, while the underwater depth and movement suggested by the background enhance the piece's vitality. This vibrant artwork was created during a vacation, reflecting the artist's love for the clever and resilient nature of the octopus.



Naomi, born in Dayton, TN, is an artist whose passion for creativity was ignited from an early age. Despite growing up in the austere environment of a small town in the Southeastern US and living in government[...]

Naomi, born in Dayton, TN, is an artist whose passion for creativity was ignited from an early age. Despite growing up in the austere environment of a small town in the Southeastern US and living in government housing, she discovered her yearning to express herself through art. Always aware of her calling to be an artist, it wasn’t until later in life that Naomi realized the potential to combine her artistic pursuits with a sustainable career.

Naomi’s pursuit of education took a pragmatic turn—earning a bachelor's degree in business management and an MBA. However, her academic path did not lead her towards official artistic training. Instead, she found herself commissioned into the US Army in 2007. As her life revolved around her military career, she had to forsake her artistic endeavors, leading to a hiatus in her creative journey.

Her military career, however, was not without its challenges. After suffering combat injuries and struggling with anxiety and depression, Naomi bid adieu to the Army in 2013 and dedicated her time to being a mother. While she initially believed that motherhood would help her recover and find renewed purpose, she realized the road to tranquility was much farther. It was at this point that Naomi recalled her true passion—art. Picking up a paintbrush was not just an act of creating but also an act of healing. She found solace and joy in each stroke, leading her back to her creative roots.

Currently, Naomi is still exploring her artistry, her drive fueled by her passion to make a difference. Aiming to convey a message of self-worth to her collectors, Naomi is experimenting with her subject matter—confidence shining through in her eclectic mix of landscapes, animal portraits, and human figures. However, her creative process is defined—starting with a charcoal sketch, progressing to a layered color addition with acrylics, and tying it all together in oil paints. Her technique of trial and error, reflecting her journey in life, adds authenticity to her creations.

Inspiration for Naomi comes from artists such as Monet, Anne Stokes, and Elli Milan. Her paintings display a distinct blend of boldness and color that echo the tranquil landscapes of Monet and the dynamic figures of Stokes and Milan. She is currently a member of the Cotuit Center for the Arts and Falmouth Art Center.

Naomi's amazing journey is far from over. She continues to capture her voice in her art, proving that art can serve as a vehicle for self-expression, resilience, and healing. Despite her unconventional path toward becoming an artist, Naomi's story, like her art, is a testament to the transformative power of creativity.

查看更多的Naomi Czupryna

油在帆布上 | 18x24 in
油在帆布上 | 20x16 in
油在帆布上 | 14x11 in
油在帆布上 | 24x18 in

