Max Verstappen (2020) Malerei von Monique De Kruijk

Acryl auf Objekt, 24x24 in
2.221,15 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand

Versand aus: Niederlande (Schachtel oder Kartonverpackung) Versand unter 1 Woche
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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Auf Holzplatte montiert
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 1 Sammlungen
ART DESCRIPTION A beautiful, fascinating and powerful painting of a world champion made from cans of Red Bull. This artwork was born on the street and feels at home in every room.  Mixed Media Technique This mixed media painting is made from Red Bull cans, on which multiple layers of acrylic have been applied using spray paint,[...]
A beautiful, fascinating and powerful painting of a world champion made from cans of Red Bull. This artwork was born on the street and feels at home in every room. 

Mixed Media Technique
This mixed media painting is made from Red Bull cans, on which multiple layers of acrylic have been applied using spray paint, brush and markers.

This painting plays with a different use of materials, Red Bull cans are cut open and mounted flat in the background. Then they are placed with overlap, which gives the painting a tough texture. 

The paintwork consists mainly of shades of deep blue. The other colors of the cans, red and yellow are subtly incorporated into the image. Max Verstappen's determined, courageous and promising facial expression is given extra power by the use of shadows in the painting. When you look at the painting, you get a sense of confidence and hope. Because the face is painted with soft contours, it also has a dreamy effect.

This artwork was created spontaneously. It started with the collecting of cans that had been thrown away in nature and on the streets by other people. In the end, it was decided not to waste these cans, but to make something beautiful out of them. Litter appears to have its beauty. Unlike the other works, where materials are reused, this painting was born on the street.

This painting has no frame, but the Red Bull cans are visible on the edges of the painting.

This beautiful art collection mainly consists of music related pop art paintings with celebrities/icons. It is decorative art with everyday utensils from the consumer society. The reuse of materials brings the artworks to life. Monique brings her art to life among people. The collection consists of modern paintings with a touch of retro, vintage style. That is what makes these paintings so special. These distinctive contemporary artworks are not only one of a kind, but they also connect the past with the present.

It symbolizes the circle of life:
Discarded objects get their appreciation again. It's modern art, but it takes you back to the past. The artistic imperfections in the painting give the feeling that the artwork has been alive for years.

Every painting in this collection is eccentric. The character of this collection is enhanced by the many uniquely detailed design aspects that differ per painting.

How did these mixed media paintings come about?
Monique started this collection spontaneously. When she found cassette tapes, she thought it would be a shame to throw them away. There was still too much value in and memories of these beautiful, colorful, nostalgic objects. Monique then decided to turn it into wall art. The cassette tapes were mounted on a wooden plate and then she started painting icons of all times on it. Every artwork from this collection is completely handmade, also the wooden, permanently attached frame.

Size: 61 H x 61 W x 1 cm / 24 H x 24 W x 0,4 inch
Weight: 2 kg
Mixed Media: Red Bull cans, Acrylic paints, Spray paints, Acrylic markers
Colours: Blue, Red, Yellow
Year of creation: 2020 / Released since: 2022 

Two mounted suspension hooks for hanging the artwork
Certificate of Authenticity

Website: w w w . a r t w o r k x l . c o m

Verwandte Themen

Max VerstappenWorld ChampionRed BullCansReusing Objects

Automatisch übersetzt
Monique de Kruijk is an artist from the Netherlands who has exhibited her works nationally. Her collections consist largely of contemporary mixed media artworks, in which different materials and techniques[...]

Monique de Kruijk is an artist from the Netherlands who has exhibited her works nationally.
Her collections consist largely of contemporary mixed media artworks, in which different materials and techniques are used interchangeably. Her passion includes creating pop art related artworks, which focus on a strong connection between material use from the consumer industry and painting. She also creates portraits and abstract paintings and sculptures.
Studying her artworks, the imagination will speak and the layered message will make the viewer think about desires, the rapid changes in life and the contemporary reality we live in.

Mehr von Monique De Kruijk

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