A Celestial Family of Semblance (2021) 绘画 由 Matthias Lupri


查看更多的Matthias Lupri



卖家 Matthias Lupri



客户评价 优秀

卖家 Matthias Lupri



最大分辨率: 3697 x 1823 px

卖家 Matthias Lupri

  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 绘画, 在帆布上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 60in, 宽度 120in
  • 艺术品状况 艺术品完好无损
  • 是否含画框 此作品未装裱
  • 分类 画作 低于US$20,000 抽象主义 几何
Price: $19,950 Modern Extra Large Painting , Please contact to discuss further, thank you Created during the Covid issues of spring 2021, this painted represents the celestial family feeling of the basic realm of portraying a sense of order over chaos, at the liminal axis point within ones being. The point of feeling where the family is[...]
Price: $19,950 Modern Extra Large Painting , Please contact to discuss further, thank you

Created during the Covid issues of spring 2021, this painted represents the celestial family feeling of the basic realm of portraying a sense of order over chaos, at the liminal axis point within ones being. The point of feeling where the family is almost free , finding balance, and reaching toward another level once again. I work mainly from the rising of unconscious feelings from deep within our inner abyss. Those feelings come in a variety of ways and also bubble up to the surface and meet the reality of our daily existence.

Painted using palette knives with thick oils. It can also works well as a tall vertical.

Triptych panels pulled tight as one piece in the main photo...

Two 36"x 60" x1.5" panels and one 48" wide to equal 120"x60"x1.5"


AbstractTonalNeutralBlack And WhiteGeometric

Biography taken from   LUPRI.com Matthias has been working within the arts all his life in various aspects. His goal is to integrate painting, music, film, photography, narrative, and poetry cohesively,[...]

Biography taken from   LUPRI.com

Matthias has been working within the arts all his life in various aspects. His goal is to integrate painting, music, film, photography, narrative, and poetry cohesively, while drawing from life, dreams, symbols, myth, philosophy and psychology.

Born in Germany 1964, Lupri grew up in the wilds of Alberta, Canada with a wonderstruck fascination of nature, flight, arts, and mythical dreams. After years of studying music and touring road life, Matthias ventured to Boston to focus on the study of jazz vibraphone with Gary Burton. After releasing six CD’s of original music and touring internationally, he discovered the parallel symbiosis of painting to music, and started quickly a new direction in 2012. After years as a palette knife oil painter, Matthias has been steadily putting out various series of paintings, showing at galleries, and selling his work internationally.

“In a general reflection on my art and life, I feel that the unconscious and conscious landscape hemispheres collide creating positive and negative tension within our lives. The unconscious has an existence of time immemorial within your myth, while our conscious life ego awakes daily to a fresh new day. So I question; How do we exist through these our entire lives, shaping us toward the past, present and future as one totality? In which way does the essence of it all give meaning to who we are and contribute to our interactions with each other, our earth and universe?

It has been a lifelong search and journey revealing my art through these philosophical and psychological constructs. Art that coexists and works in conjunction with these constructs and with each other: painting, music, poetry, photography, film and narrative. The landscape hemispheres and archetypes create new paths to follow and show themselves as personal empirical motifs within the art abstractly. They prove to be part of the memory, dream, reflection symbiosis.

It is all much a mystery and interesting pursuit.”


MassArt -Boston, USA
Emerson-Boston, USA
Berklee -Boston, USA
The Road - The World
Mount Royal -Calgary, AB Canada

查看更多的Matthias Lupri

油在帆布上 | 47x77 in
油在帆布上 | 84x72 in
油在帆布上 | 48x48 in
油在帆布上 | 60x36 in

