Pink Peony in Watercolour (2023) Pintura por Maryna Pohorielko

Aquarela em Papel, 8,3x5,8 in
US$ 153
Preço: Envio Grátis

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  • Prazo A maioria dos pacotes são entregues em todo o mundo dentro de 1 a 3 semanas (Estimativa)
  • Alfândega não incluída O preço não inclui taxas alfandegárias. A maioria dos países não tem imposto de importação para obras de arte originais, mas você pode ter que pagar o IVA reduzido. As taxas alfandegárias (se houver) devem ser calculadas na chegada pela estância aduaneira e serão cobradas separadamente pela transportadora.
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  • Certificado de autenticidade on-line rastreável Os certificados de autenticidade podem ser verificados online a qualquer momento, digitalizando o código da obra de arte.
  • Certificação do artista Os especialistas estudam a obra e a carreira de um artista para então estabelecerem uma cotação média independente e confiável. A cotação média permite situar o artista em uma faixa de preço para um determinado período. Os especialistas também podem ser convidados a estabelecer uma estimativa mais precisa para uma obra em particular.
Transação 100% segura, Modos de pagamento aceitos: Cartão de crédito, PayPal, Transferência bancária.
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Devoluções Gratuitas: Satisfeito ou seu dinheiro de volta em 14 dias.
Retorno aceito 14 dias Artmajeur está 100% comprometido com a satisfação dos colecionadores: você tem 14 dias para devolver uma obra original. O trabalho deve ser devolvido ao artista em perfeitas condições, em sua embalagem original. Todos os itens elegíveis podem ser devolvidos (salvo indicação em contrário).
Licenciamento digital

Esta imagem está disponível para download com uma licença

US$ 32,00
US$ 130,00
US$ 271,00
Resolução máxima: 2579 x 3872 px
Baixe imediatamente após a compra
Os artistas recebem seus royalties por cada venda

Vendedor Maryna Pohorielko

Trabalho único
Obra assinada pelo artista
Certificado de autenticidade incluído
Esta obra é exibida em 20 coleções
The picture shows a botanical illustration. This is a pink peony painted with watercolor paints. My work here is the only copy of my unique and original work. It is made on special watercolor paper, designed for watercolor, from the best world manufacturers and has a density of 300 grams/meter. Household images are computer generated, may[...]
The picture shows a botanical illustration. This is a pink peony painted with watercolor paints.
My work here is the only copy of my unique and original work. It is made on special watercolor paper, designed for watercolor, from the best world manufacturers and has a density of 300 grams/meter.
Household images are computer generated, may not be to scale, and are for illustration purposes only.
Make an offer for this job!
If you have any further questions about this item or would like to see more pictures, please don't hesitate to ask!

# Actual colors may vary slightly from monitor to monitor as it depends on specific monitor settings

About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles

Watercolor is a painting in which gum arabic binds transparent pigments revealing the support of the painting. The gouache, of identical composition, is opaque. A watercolor is a water-based painting on paper. We rarely speak of a painting for a work painted in watercolor. Watercolor paintings are considered to be a unique way to creatively represent dreams, illusions, emotions and luminous feelings using water soluble pigments. However, painting with watercolors can be difficult. It's a difficult medium to master, in large part because it can be ruthless and unpredictable. Mistakes are difficult to correct and its fluid nature makes it difficult to control. Yet it is these very qualities that give the medium its undeniable charm.

Technic Painting
Painting is an art form of painting on a surface by aesthetically applying colored fluids. Painters represent a very personal expression on supports such as paper, rock, canvas, wood, bark, glass, concrete and many other substrates. Work of representation or invention, painting can be naturalistic and figurative, or abstract. It can have narrative, descriptive, symbolic, spiritual, or philosophical content.

Temas relacionados

Pink FlowerPeonyPink PeonyBotanical ArtFlower Painting

Traduzido automaticamente
Hello, my name is Maryna. I was born and live in Ukraine. I'm a full-time watercolor artist. My works are in private collections in Europe and Ukraine.  For a long time, I have combined the work[...]

Hello, my name is Maryna. I was born and live in Ukraine. I'm a full-time watercolor artist. My works are in private collections in Europe and Ukraine. 

For a long time, I have combined the work of an engineer with my passion for drawing. Most of all, I like to draw flowers, vegetables, fruits, animals, landscapes. I would like to create detailed drawings, I think my profession overlaps with this feature, where you need to design every detail of the house. I use watercolors and colored pencils to create pictures. Sometimes I use ink to make the outline clear. 

In 2022, a language-wide invasion of Ukraine began. For a long time I could not find the strength to touch the paints and start painting. The picture with a lemon on a branch was the first picture I painted six months after the war started. She became for me a symbol that life goes on. 

Welcome to view my paintings. Enjoy your time here and feel free to post any questions!

Ver mais de Maryna Pohorielko

Ver todas as obras
Lápis em Papel | 8,3x5,8 in
US$ 105
Aquarela em Papel | 8,3x5,8 in
US$ 100
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