Mary Ness Profile Picture

Mary Ness

TORONTO, Ontario, Canada
Artist (Digital Arts, Painting)
Born unknown date

Hi, I'm Mary Ness. I am happy you are here to see what I've been up to. I'm an abstract expressionist artist and designer living and working just outside Toronto, Canada.

My creative journey, with all of it's twists and turns, goes back to my early childhood. There I was, little me, lying belly down on the kitchen floor with my coloring book and crayons. I was caught in a sunbeam coming through the window - and that's when the magic began.

I paint with both traditional media such as acrylics and/or oils and cold wax, mixed media collage as well as painting with digital tools such as Photoshop and Corel Painter. Often I combine digital and analog to achieve my goal. Sometimes a painting is finished quickly and other times there are many layers and visits to the mirror with the painting, always searching for that elusive moment when I can say, that's it, I've got it!

I want the viewer to be drawn in, to see the layers, the brushstrokes - to feel the energy and emotion I experienced while making this piece of art.

Discover contemporary artworks by Mary Ness, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary canadian artists. Artistic domains: Digital Arts, Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2023 (Country of origin Canada). Buy Mary Ness's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Mary Ness. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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1 artwork by Mary Ness (Selection)

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Digital Arts titled "THE FOG HAS LIFTED…" by Mary Ness, Original Artwork, Digital Painting
THE FOG HAS LIFTED - Limited Edition of 5 - Digital Arts, 12x12 in ©2023 by Mary Ness -
"THE FOG HAS LIFTED - Limited Edition of 5"

Digital Arts | 12x12 in

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