Pavé 68 Painting by Mariekverbois

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  1070 px  

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Art image bank
  • Original Artwork Painting, on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 27.6in, Width 23.6in
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Street Art
Pavé 1968. Graffitis , street art, et collages. Huile et techniques mixtes About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Technic Painting [...]
Pavé 1968. Graffitis , street art, et collages. Huile et techniques mixtes
Automatically translated
Marie Kresser-Verbois is a contemporary French artist known for her atypical[...]

Marie Kresser-Verbois is a contemporary French artist known for her atypical career trajectory. After studying at the School of Fine Arts in Le Mans and then in Rouen, she spent several years teaching before moving to Paris for professional development. Her artistic journey took a transformative turn when she accompanied her husband on travels to Saudi Arabia, China, Turkey, and Tunisia.

It was in Tunisia that Kresser-Verbois discovered her passion for painting. Immersing herself in the local craft activities, she began to develop her unique artistic voice, leading to her first exhibitions. Her paintings are characterized by a dense and generous quality, infused with a sense of secrecy. Each line and color appears to have been placed after a journey of reflection and exploration, evoking a sense of reverie and careful progression amidst sudden upheavals.

Kresser-Verbois’ works invite viewers to engage with them attentively, akin to navigating a vibrant jungle teeming with invisible life. Her art encourages an exploratory approach, prompting observers to enter slowly, with all senses alert, to uncover the rich layers of meaning within each piece. Through her unique experiences and artistic evolution, Marie Kresser-Verbois continues to captivate audiences with her evocative and immersive creations.

See more from Mariekverbois

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Painting on Paper | 21.7x25.6 in
Acrylic on Canvas | 15.8x15.8 in
Painting on Paper | 19.7x29.5 in
Acrylic on Paper | 9.8x11.8 in


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