Mysterious Waters (2022) Pintura por Maren Roelofsen

Acrílico em Tela, 39,4x51,2 in
US$ 1.835,84
Preço: Envio Grátis

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Devoluções Gratuitas: Satisfeito ou seu dinheiro de volta em 14 dias.
Retorno aceito 14 dias Artmajeur está 100% comprometido com a satisfação dos colecionadores: você tem 14 dias para devolver uma obra original. O trabalho deve ser devolvido ao artista em perfeitas condições, em sua embalagem original. Todos os itens elegíveis podem ser devolvidos (salvo indicação em contrário).
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Esta impressão está disponível em vários tamanhos.

US$ 26,86
US$ 46,20
US$ 99,92
Comentários do cliente Excelente
Os artistas recebem seus royalties por cada venda

Vendedor Maren Roelofsen

Trabalho único
Obra assinada pelo artista
Certificado de autenticidade incluído
Esta obra é exibida em 2 coleções
  • Obras de arte originais (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Acrílico em Tela
  • Dimensões Altura 39,4in, Largura 51,2in
  • Condição da obra de arte A arte está em perfeito estado
  • Moldura Esta obra de arte não está emoldurada
  • Categorias Pinturas menos de US$ 5.000 Abstrata Abstrata
was inspired by the mysterious myth of Ophelia. The artist John Everett Millais inspired me to paint this beautiful calming and melancholic surrounding. "Mysterious Waters" is a captivating abstract painting that draws viewers into a mesmerizing aquatic realm where imagination takes flight. Dominated by a palette of enchanting[...]
was inspired by the mysterious myth of Ophelia. The artist John Everett Millais inspired me to paint this beautiful calming and melancholic surrounding.

"Mysterious Waters" is a captivating abstract painting that draws viewers into a mesmerizing aquatic realm where imagination takes flight. Dominated by a palette of enchanting greens, blues, and yellows, the canvas mirrors the subtle dance of light and shadow upon the surface of an enigmatic body of water.

The shades of green evoke the lush foliage that surrounds this mysterious aquatic world, suggesting an otherworldly, almost ethereal landscape. The deep blues ripple through the composition, capturing the profound depths of the unknown waters below. These hues blend seamlessly, creating a sense of fluidity and movement that transcends the boundaries of the canvas.

"Mysterious Waters" is a visual symphony, an ode to the enigmatic beauty that lies beneath the surface of the familiar. Its abstract nature invites contemplation, urging viewers to dive into the depths of their own imagination and explore the uncharted territories of the mind. In this swirling sea of greens, blues, and yellows, the mysterious waters become a metaphor for the boundless possibilities that exist when we allow our minds to wander and explore the unknown.

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Art Under 3000AbstractYellowBlueGreen

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Ik ben een abstracte kunstenaar die met mijn gezin in Nederland woont in een diverse cultuur. Mijn roots zijn Frans en Spaans en ben geboren in Nederland, mijn partner is Grieks en mijn twee prachtige dochters[...]

Ik ben een abstracte kunstenaar die met mijn gezin in Nederland woont in een diverse cultuur. Mijn roots zijn Frans en Spaans en ben geboren in Nederland, mijn partner is Grieks en mijn twee prachtige dochters zijn een mix van mij en mijn partner.

Cultuur en gelijkwaardigheid is iets waar mijn hart naar uitgaat. Ik raak geïnspireerd door de kleuren, vormen en rituelen van deze prachtige culturen. Ik geloof dat cultuur ons allemaal bij elkaar houdt en ons zoveel rijkdom geeft.

Ik experimenteer met vormen, kleur en ruimte om ons te verbinden met deze culturen en houden ons warm en gepassioneerd over de belangrijke dingen in ons leven.

Ik experimenteer met abstract, expressionisme en impressionisme. Mijn onderwerpen zijn tegenwoordig natuur, cultuur en emotie.

Ver mais de Maren Roelofsen

Ver todas as obras
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