"New reality" №19. (2022) 图画 由 Lyudmila Belenkina


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卖家 Lyudmila Belenkina



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卖家 Lyudmila Belenkina



最大分辨率: 5078 x 7303 px

卖家 Lyudmila Belenkina

"New reality" №19. 2022 29x21 cm, paper, graphite and colored pencils A series of abstract drawings exploring the theme - my new reality. The feeling of hopelessness increases every day.Probably on emotion I would have already done a lot of rash things. But, since I am raising an eleven-year-old son, this fact gives[...]
"New reality" №19. 2022
29x21 cm, paper, graphite and colored pencils
A series of abstract drawings exploring the theme - my new reality.

The feeling of hopelessness increases every day.Probably on emotion I would have already done a lot of rash things. But, since I am raising an eleven-year-old son, this fact gives me the strength to live now. It is a strange, scary world, in one part there is war, tears, pain, suffering, and somewhere quiet. peaceful life.


Stop WarWarHatredFearHope

     My name is Lyudmila Belenkina - I am an artist.   About myself: I was born in Ukraine, in the small town of Kremenchug, on the banks of the Dnieper River.My parents are from Bashkiria (Russia), but[...]

     My name is Lyudmila Belenkina - I am an artist.  

About myself: I was born in Ukraine, in the small town of Kremenchug, on the banks of the Dnieper River.My parents are from Bashkiria (Russia), but moved to Ukraine for work.In search of a job in design I went to Moscow in 2000. At the moment I work in Russia, in Moscow. My son was born and is growing up here.
I have been drawing since childhood. I studied at a children's art school in Kremenchug (Ukraine). I studied at the art school in Voroshilovgrad (Ukraine).I took a course in the workshop of artist K.Inal Ipa in Moscow (Russia).
   I am always in search of new techniques and means of expression, opportunities to express my emotions on canvas or paper.     Abstract art is my conscious choice. It is my way of interacting with the world around me. I am a very emotional person, and explosions of colors and shapes are my way of expressing my thoughts and emotions. It is very important to me to touch people's hearts and not just leave them cold. I love it when people respond to my abstraction in different ways.    

Through abstract painting I explore human interaction with the universe, emotions, feelings. As an artist, I seek a balance between what idea I want to express and the opportunity to give voice to the medium I am working with. While working, holding a brush or any other material, I myself become a "medium", a part of the creative process.

     I take part in exhibitions.  

2022 - Group exhibition "CREATIVE ENVIRONMENT", Nuova Galleria Tret'jakov, Moscow, Russia.

2021 - Group exhibition Russian Art Week Event Hall Danilovsky, Moscow

2021 - Group exhibition Talent of Russia, Gostiny Dvor, Moscow

2021 - Group exhibition at Gallery "Here on Taganka", Moscow, Russia

But my dream is to have my work recognized internationally, especially among contemporary art lovers.  

查看更多的Lyudmila Belenkina

丙烯在纸上 | 21.7x29.5 in
油在亚麻帆布上 | 47.2x31.9 in
丙烯在纸上 | 29.5x21.7 in
丙烯在纸上 | 29.5x21.7 in

