Sheer Beauty at Sunrise (2022) Malarstwo autorstwa Lukim

Pastel na Papier, 15,5x12 in
1 168 USD
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Sprzedawca Lukim
Opinie klientów (3)
Wysłano z: Tajwan (Opakowanie pudełkowe lub kartonowe) Statki w promieniu 2 dni
Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni
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Darmowe zwroty: Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni.
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Papier artystyczny, 11x8 in

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33,00 USD
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  1103 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 1103x1500
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Grafika sygnowana przez artystę
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Ta grafika pojawia się w 3 kolekcjach
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Pastel na Papier
  • Wymiary Wysokość 15,5in, Szerokość 12in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 5 000 USD Hiperrealizm Krajobraz
In this stunning pastel painting, I have captured a moment of pure beauty and serenity on a quiet beach at sunrise. The painting features the back view of a beautiful blonde woman, who stands on the rocks and looks out at the sea. She is dressed in a sheer white dress, which catches the light of the rising sun and creates a soft, ethereal glow around[...]
In this stunning pastel painting, I have captured a moment of pure beauty and serenity on a quiet beach at sunrise. The painting features the back view of a beautiful blonde woman, who stands on the rocks and looks out at the sea. She is dressed in a sheer white dress, which catches the light of the rising sun and creates a soft, ethereal glow around her.

The scene is depicted in soft pastels, which create a gentle, dreamlike quality that perfectly suits the tranquil atmosphere of the beach at sunrise. The colors are soft and muted, with shades of pink, orange, and blue blending together seamlessly to create a warm, inviting glow.

The texture of the dress is rendered with expert skill, using fine layers of pastels to create a realistic, three-dimensional effect. The high-quality materials used in the creation of this painting make it a truly special piece of art, with a depth and richness that is truly captivating.

"Sheer Beauty at Sunrise" is a testament to the power of nature and the human spirit, capturing the beauty and tranquility of a moment in time. This pastel painting is perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life, and who seek to surround themselves with art that inspires and uplifts the soul.

Powiązane tematy


Przetłumaczone automatycznie
I am a contemporary Taiwanese artist who specializes in realistic style oil and pastel paintings. I am known for using only the highest quality materials in every one of my artworks, from the canvas to the[...]

I am a contemporary Taiwanese artist who specializes in realistic style oil and pastel paintings. I am known for using only the highest quality materials in every one of my artworks, from the canvas to the brushes and paint. This attention to detail and quality has allowed me to create stunning pieces of art that have been exhibited in galleries and collections around the world.

My passion for art began at an early age, and I was always drawn to the world of painting. As I began to hone my skills and develop my own style, I found that the realism of oil and pastel painting resonated with me the most. I was inspired by the ability to create images that were not only visually stunning but also true to life.

When it comes to materials, I believe that using the best quality is essential to creating a masterpiece. I use only the finest oil paints and pastels, and I carefully select each canvas and brush to ensure that my art is created with the utmost care and attention to detail. For me, the use of oil paints is particularly important because of its durability and longevity. It remains a mainstream medium that everyone can appreciate and enjoy.

My dedication to creating the highest quality artwork has not gone unnoticed. I have been honored with several awards and recognitions, including being featured in various art publications and exhibitions.

As a Taiwanese artist, I take pride in my culture and heritage and often incorporate it into my artwork. Whether it's through subject matter or color schemes, I believe that art should be a reflection of the artist's personality and experiences. I hope to continue to create art that inspires and connects with viewers around the world.

Thank you for supporting my artwork!!

The Award;

Artist Space Gallery - 2022 Nature Art Exhibition Winner

Camelback Gallery’s Faces 2022 Competition - BRONZE AWARD

Camelback Gallery’s 2022 IAA AWARDS in Pastel - Finalist Award

Art Room Gallery 2022 "Painting & Photography" Art Competition - Merit Award

2022 American Art Awards EROTIC – FEMALE - 5TH PLACE

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