L.O.W. - THE TENTH POLYPTYCH (2024) 数字艺术 由 Luigi M. Verde

美术纸, 4x12 in
  • 该作品是“开放版” 数字艺术, GicléePrint / 数字打印
  • 外形尺寸 几种尺寸可供选择
  • 独家支持 (美术纸, 金属上的印刷, 画布上打印)
  • 是否含画框 有框架 (浮动框架+玻璃下, 框架+在丙烯酸玻璃下)
  • 艺术品状况 艺术品完好无损
  • AI生成的图像 艺术家利用人工智能技术创作了这幅图像
  • 分类 观念艺术 奇妙
Invisible relationships that exist only in glances and silences close this work with an awareness of the many voids still to be filled. What is most interesting in the last polyptych, however, is the image of a rose, whose petals are carved in stone. The photograph of a rock is as static as one can demand: a frozen image of an immobile and inanimate[...]
Invisible relationships that exist only in glances and silences close this work with an awareness of the many voids still to be filled. What is most interesting in the last polyptych, however, is the image of a rose, whose petals are carved in stone. The photograph of a rock is as static as one can demand: a frozen image of an immobile and inanimate object. Yet in the texture of the petals lies the design of a long and laborious process that recalls the tireless movement of the ants that began this story. In the end, a form of silence was deliberately chosen, rendered by an abstract and circular geometry, an attempt at purification that required a tortuous and uphill path. Perhaps this is the reason for the old sage sitting in contemplation of a curious and improbable Platonic solid. That person is there to remind us that even if we are facing an impenetrable wall, there is always a grazing light ready to illuminate our thoughts. There are no rigid or overly square architectures that can prevent imagination from wandering freely among the deep shadows, the black of the background, and the many knots on the theme of relationships in this work.
FɪɴᴇAʀᴛ ᴘʀɪɴᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ ᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴍᴀɴᴅ, sɪᴢᴇ 42x126ᴄᴍ



欢迎来到 Luigi M. Verde 的奇妙世界,这是一个形而上学的地方,作者在这里热情地庆祝他的两个灵魂:艺术和科学的创造性融合。 Luigi 于 1969 年的一个遥远的春天出生在意大利南部的梅尔菲,在那个时代,数字艺术仍然是一个遥远的未来主义概念。在研究物理学和控制论期间,他发现了对黑白摄影和暗室的浓厚热情。 三十多年来,Luigi 一直在进行一项非常个人化的研究,将他对哲学、编程和自然语言的兴趣与通过摄影、数字绘画创作和书籍创作来艺术表达自己的不可抗拒的愿望结合起来。为了避免留在阴影中,他积极参与意大利国内外的众多文化活动,并积极致力于传播。

欢迎来到 Luigi M. Verde 的奇妙世界,这是一个形而上学的地方,作者在这里热情地庆祝他的两个灵魂:艺术和科学的创造性融合。 Luigi 于 1969 年的一个遥远的春天出生在意大利南部的梅尔菲,在那个时代,数字艺术仍然是一个遥远的未来主义概念。在研究物理学和控制论期间,他发现了对黑白摄影和暗室的浓厚热情。

三十多年来,Luigi 一直在进行一项非常个人化的研究,将他对哲学、编程和自然语言的兴趣与通过摄影、数字绘画创作和书籍创作来艺术表达自己的不可抗拒的愿望结合起来。为了避免留在阴影中,他积极参与意大利国内外的众多文化活动,并积极致力于传播。


路易吉的艺术是概念性的,就像一位侦探处理哲学和语言奇想问题一样,他试图赋予思想以形状和概念。每一件创作都是一个有待揭开的谜团,一个蕴含深意等待被解读和讲述的世界。 Luigi 将自己定义为一位有远见的艺术家,采用讽刺、非正式和极其综合的方式,一只脚牢牢扎根于艺术传统,另一只脚则立足于数字时代。


艺术家在 Artmajeur 杂志的一篇文章中被强调:

查看更多的Luigi M. Verde

数字艺术 | 9.5x9.5 in
数字艺术 | 12.6x22.1 in
数字艺术 | 7.9x7.9 in
摄影 | 15.8x15.8 in

