erotic 5 (2024) 绘画 由 Leszek Dziaduch

搪瓷在金属上, 7.9x5.9 in
价格: 免费送货

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Akt wykonany techniką emalii wysokotemperaturowej na blasze. Tematyka erotyczna zainspirowana pracami Otto Muellera. Praca wykonana we współpracy z Mariusz Janik. 关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 [...]
Akt wykonany techniką emalii wysokotemperaturowej na blasze.
Tematyka erotyczna zainspirowana pracami Otto Muellera.
Praca wykonana we współpracy z Mariusz Janik.



Life is dynamic... I was born by the sea and was supposed to sail the seas and oceans as a sailor, and as an artist I struggle with reality around Krakow. With the help of philosophy and art I put my world[...]

Life is dynamic... I was born by the sea and was supposed to sail the seas and oceans as a sailor, and as an artist I struggle with reality around Krakow. With the help of philosophy and art I put my world in order, and it doesn't matter if it is an expression of free choice or determination. Or maybe predestination? Because they always said about me: "not a bad artist". So I create. And so seriously. Although I am not serious, rather attentive. I observe the world and people around me and I can't help but be amazed. There is a restless spirit in me, which tells me to create. I constantly change the material, because I like challenges and struggling with new matter. In addition to individual artistic activity, I like to work in a group. I am a co-founder and co-author of many works of Mariusz Janik Gallery, founded in 2006.I cooperate with Mariusz Janik on various levels, including artistic. Being open to various forms of expression, we respond to reality through painting, sculpture, linocut, ceramics, and most recently tin-fired enamel.We are members of the Evviva l'arte art group established in Krakow.It is impossible not to also mention two important people who are the good spirits of joint ventures. We are talking about Karina Dziaduch cooperating with the Evviva l'arte group, privately my wife, without whom - everything would be different, and Janusz Michał Różanski the first critic and reviewer and often co-author of works, also active in the Evviva l'arte group.

查看更多的Leszek Dziaduch

搪瓷在金属上 | 7.9x5.9 in
雕塑 - 金属 | 6.7x7.5 in
搪瓷在金属上 | 7.9x5.9 in
搪瓷在金属上 | 8.3x5.8 in

