Leorie Profile Picture


Mijas Costa, Spain
Artist (Artcraft, Painting)
Born 1952

Discover contemporary artworks by Leorie, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary spanish artists. Artistic domains: Artcraft, Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2006 (Country of origin Ireland). Buy Leorie's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Leorie. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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12 artworks by Leorie (Selection)

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SOLD! • 12 artworks

These images have been sold. This is why I have moved them here as they were crowding out the other galleries!
Painting titled "Sepia" by Leorie, Original Artwork
Sepia - Painting, 13.4x8.3 in ©2006 by Leorie -

Painting | 13.4x8.3 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Naughty Altar Boys" by Leorie, Original Artwork
Naughty Altar Boys - Painting, 14.2x18.9 in ©2005 by Leorie -
"Naughty Altar Boys"

Painting | 14.2x18.9 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Granada Magic" by Leorie, Original Artwork
Granada Magic - Painting, 18.3x12.6 in ©2007 by Leorie - spain cross stitch on canvas granada alhambra
"Granada Magic"

Painting | 18.3x12.6 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "After the Shoot" by Leorie, Original Artwork
After the Shoot - Painting, 11x13 in ©2000 by Leorie -
"After the Shoot"

Painting | 11x13 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Tom, the Pipers Son" by Leorie, Original Artwork
Tom, the Pipers Son - Painting, 9.1x7.1 in ©2007 by Leorie -
"Tom, the Pipers Son"

Painting | 9.1x7.1 in

Not For Sale
Textile Art titled "Swing Time" by Leorie, Original Artwork
Swing Time - Textile Art, 7.1x5.1 in ©2007 by Leorie - cross stitch on canvas
"Swing Time"

Textile Art | 7.1x5.1 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Infanta" by Leorie, Original Artwork
Infanta - Painting, 18.1x14.2 in ©2006 by Leorie -

Painting | 18.1x14.2 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Fair daffodil" by Leorie, Original Artwork
Fair daffodil - Painting, 5.9x3 in ©2007 by Leorie -
"Fair daffodil"

Painting | 5.9x3 in

Not For Sale
Textile Art titled "Reflections in the…" by Leorie, Original Artwork
Reflections in the Sea - Textile Art, 8.7x11.8 in ©2007 by Leorie - Cross stitch by Dolores Leorie Cummiskey on canvas.
"Reflections in the Sea"

Textile Art | 8.7x11.8 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "New York New York" by Leorie, Original Artwork
New York New York - Painting, 9.8x16.1 in ©2006 by Leorie -
"New York New York"

Painting | 9.8x16.1 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Violets are Blue" by Leorie, Original Artwork
Violets are Blue - Painting, 7.1x3.9 in ©2007 by Leorie -
"Violets are Blue"

Painting | 7.1x3.9 in

Not For Sale
Textile Art titled "Autumn Passage" by Leorie, Original Artwork
Autumn Passage - Textile Art, 22.1x16.1 in ©2007 by Leorie - Cross stitch by Dolores Leorie Cummiskey on canvas.
"Autumn Passage"

Textile Art | 22.1x16.1 in

Not For Sale
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