Sixth sun (2020) Pintura por Lana Korolievskaia

Óleo em Tela, 23,6x31,5 in
US$ 5.819,12
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US$ 32,71
Usage: Licença da Web
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  1114 px  

1500 px
Dimensões do arquivo (px) 1114x1500
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Esta obra está enquadrada
  • Obras de arte originais (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Óleo em Tela
  • Dimensões 24,4x32,3 in
    Dimensões da obra sozinhas, sem moldura: Altura 23,6in, Largura 31,5in
  • Condição da obra de arte A arte está em perfeito estado
  • Moldura Esta obra está enquadrada
  • Categorias Pinturas menos de US$ 20.000 Simbolismo Tribal
Another of the artist's works, which showed her interest in the themes of ancient civilizations and their myths. What is important, as in the "Allegory of Continuity", "The Sixth Sun" does not express only ancient ideas about the world, but proves that they are still applicable to the current historical moment. The Maya had[...]
Another of the artist's works, which showed her interest in the themes of ancient civilizations and their myths. What is important, as in the "Allegory of Continuity", "The Sixth Sun" does not express only ancient ideas about the world, but proves that they are still applicable to the current historical moment. The Maya had a rich cultural and mythological heritage. Like many other peoples, their divine pantheon was organized around the practice of calendar rituals. The sun is depicted in the center of the picture, because it is thanks to it that the calendar systems of all supporters of the solar cult are built. The stylization of the image of the sun corresponds to the way it was captured on the “Stone of the Sun” monolith. The Maya sun cannot be called good-natured, it incinerates what he does not like, like a stern sovereign. The Mayans made sacrifices to him to appease him. The period of the "fifth sun" ended in 2012. Perhaps the transition to a new era is taking place right now. The very word "Maya" exists in ancient Indian philosophy. It has two meanings: "the source of this world" and "illusory world". Apparently, illusions are dispelled, the sun destroys everything that has lost its relevance - according to the predictions of the ancient Mayans. The man sitting in the foreground is not a priest of a cult and is not even typical representative of his people. This is the god of the sky and the sun - Tonatiuh. He ruled the fifth era that ended. The artist depicted this god by slightly changing his iconography. Tonatiuh was painted as young men with a red complexion. To maintain strength and preserve youth, he must receive the blood of his victims. In the picture, his face is green, this expresses the hope that the sixth sun will be benevolent towards humanity.

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Ukrainian artist, artist-illustrator, artist-stage-designer, writer, teacher. Winner of numerous international illustration competitions. My creative and professional experience is more than 30 years.

Ukrainian artist, artist-illustrator, artist-stage-designer,
writer, teacher. Winner of numerous international illustration competitions.
My creative and professional experience is more than 30 years.

From 1980 till 1985 studied at Kharkov Art and Industrial Design Institute (now – Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts) and finished the industrial art faculty (industrial Design department) with the distinction (diploma ЖВ-1 № 120406).
Worked as a graphic designer, illustrator. Designed more than 50 printed publications. Took part in international illustration and photography competitions (Bologna Children’s Book Fair, Futura, Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava, The Al-Thani award, Bienal internacional de ilustracao para a infancia). In 2004 was awarded by iBbY (International Council for Books for Young people) Honour List 2004 for the high quality illustrations, Basel, Switzerland and by the Certificate of Honour for Illustration (for “Piratic stories”), Cape Town, South Africa. Since 1994 until now teaches in Dnipro Art College.

Ver mais de Lana Korolievskaia

Ver todas as obras
Óleo em Tela | 23,6x31,5 in
US$ 4.968,43
Óleo em Tela | 31,5x39,4 in
US$ 9.435,35
Óleo em Tela | 23,6x19,7 in
US$ 6.000,37
Tinta em Cartão | 28,7x20,1 in
US$ 4.306,79


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