Still Life (2024) Digitale Kunst door Kyozai

Fine art papier, 10x8 in

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US$ 315,84
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  1161 px  

1500 px
Afmetingen van het bestand (px) 1161x1500
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Kunstafbeelding database
  • Dit werk is een "Open Edition" Digitale Kunst, Giclée / Digitale afdruk
  • Dimensies Verschillende maten beschikbaar
  • Verschillende ondersteuningen beschikbaar (Fine art papier, Bedrukkingen op Metaal, Canvas Print)
  • Framing Framing beschikbaar (Zwevend frame + onder glas, Frame + onder acrylglas)
  • Staat van kunstwerk Het kunstwerk is in perfecte staat
  • AI gegenereerde afbeelding De kunstenaar creëerde dit beeld met behulp van kunstmatige intelligentietechnologie
  • Categorieën Impressionisme Alledaagse leven
The painting features a still life arrangement on a table against a bold red background. On the left side, we see two vases: one cream-colored with delicate red flowers painted on it, containing sunny yellow blooms; the other is green, holding branches adorned with white blossoms. A plate filled with lemons occupies the center, while an[...]
The painting features a still life arrangement on a table against a bold red background.
On the left side, we see two vases: one cream-colored with delicate red flowers painted on it, containing sunny yellow blooms; the other is green, holding branches adorned with white blossoms.
A plate filled with lemons occupies the center, while an egg-shaped decorative item with intricate floral designs rests in front of the red backdrop.
In the foreground, another plate cradles three vibrant lemons, placed on what appears to be a brown surface or table.
Style and Technique:
The artist employs a painterly technique, evident in the visible brushstrokes that add texture and movement to the composition.
Vivid colors dominate the scene, creating an expressive aesthetic. The juxtaposition of the red background with the colorful vases and fruits generates visual interest.
The flowers, rendered with loose strokes, appear lively and dynamic against the intense backdrop.
Overall, the style resonates with elements of post-impressionism, where color and form are used expressively to convey emotion and atmosphere.
In summary, this artwork masterfully combines vibrant hues, expressive brushwork, and a harmonious arrangement, inviting viewers to appreciate the beauty found in everyday objects.

Verwante thema's


Automatisch vertaald
As a young child, I began creating paintings and crayon drawings featuring themes like sunsets, vases with flowers, and palm trees. Back then, I wasn't familiar with any artists. However, I stopped creating[...]

As a young child, I began creating paintings and crayon drawings featuring themes like sunsets, vases with flowers, and palm trees. Back then, I wasn't familiar with any artists. However, I stopped creating art around the age of 12 or 13. Recently, I discovered AI art and started producing artwork about a year ago. Many people appreciate my work, and I hope to impress the respected audience here too.

Bekijk meer van Kyozai

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