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Ksenia Loginovskikh

Bratislava, Slovakia
Artist (Digital Arts)
Born 1982
…live in more dimensions…

Self-taught female abstract digital artist, based in Europe. I create in my own unique style, invented by me.
I get inspiration from my imagination. Trying to convey the emotion and inner state in color, shape and trembling. My art is an attempt to depict what is not visible to the eyes.
I create mostly abstractions, because this is the area, where we are not limited by our own experiences, where we can invent something new, discover ourselves in new ways. Some people call my art as "psychiatrists tests" or "x-ray photos" :)) Well, it's a good compliment to my art tries.
I am addicted to all new AI technologies, so I try to incorporate AI generated images into my works. I love experimenting most of all, it helps to find new ways of self-expression. Even express more that can be expressed by traditional materials, in traditional ways...
I try to catch elusive moment... and I'm in love with the process of that catching process...

Discover contemporary artworks by Ksenia Loginovskikh, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary slovak artists. Artistic domains: Digital Arts. Account type: Artist , member since 2024 (Country of origin Russia). Buy Ksenia Loginovskikh's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Ksenia Loginovskikh. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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