판매용 산업 예술 작품 원본

가장 관련성이 높은 | 최신

제목이 "Mémoires."인 미술작품 David Spanu로, 원작, 엔카스틱
Mémoires. - 미술작품, 43.3x34.7 in ©2023 David Spanu로 - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, 산업, Atelier, Travail manuel, industriel, mémoire

David Spanu


나무의 엔카스틱 | 43.3x34.7 in

제목이 "Red Outlook"인 미술작품 Edelgard Schroer로, 원작, 아크릴 나무 들것 프레임에 장착됨
Red Outlook - 미술작품, 31.5x31.5 in ©2024 Edelgard Schroer로 - Abstract, abstract-570, 산업, abstract painting, square painting, large artwork, structured art, industrial style, grey red gold, modern art, unique painting, canvas wall art, deep edged canvas, decorative art, original painting, edelgard schroer, art with black and gold, acrylic painting, art for home, home decor, wall decor, minimalism, abstrakte kunst

Edelgard Schroer

"Red Outlook"

캔버스의 아크릴 | 31.5x31.5 in

제목이 "Industrial stairs"인 사진 Art$Art로, 원작, 디지털
Industrial stairs - 사진 ©2013 Art$Art로 - Geometric, geometric-572, 산업, staircase, stairway, fire, stair, ladder, help, safety, estate, real, risk, wall, business, urban, exit, architecture, exterior, steps, escape, modern, step


"Industrial stairs"

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제목이 "Altes Eisen"인 미술작품 Björn Wiedemann로, 원작, 안료 나무 들것 프레임에 장착됨
Altes Eisen - 미술작품, 19.7x19.7 in ©2023 Björn Wiedemann로 - Abstract, abstract-570, 산업,

Björn Wiedemann

"Altes Eisen"

캔버스의 안료 | 19.7x19.7 in

제목이 "LA GARE "CHÂTEAU-ST…"인 사진 Applestrophe로, 원작, 조작된 사진
LA GARE "CHÂTEAU-ST CLAIR SUR EPTE - 사진 ©2019 Applestrophe로 - Surrealism, surrealism-627, 산업, Château-sur-Epte, Gare, Voie-Verte, échafaudage géant, Projet Fresque CCVN, Olivier Mallet, Roland Rasse



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제목이 "Idrocarburi, alchen…"인 미술작품 Andrea Collemaggio로, 원작, 구아슈
Idrocarburi, alcheni, alchini - 미술작품, 28.4x13.4 in ©2021 Andrea Collemaggio로 - Land Art, land-art-957, 산업, #chimica, #alcheni, #alchini, #idrocarburi, #ingegneria, #studio tecnico, #ufficio, #arredamento, #design, #AndreaCollemaggio, ArteGenerali, #Pittura, #bellearti, #artmajeur, #artmajeurgallery

Andrea Collemaggio

"Idrocarburi, alcheni, alchini"

판지의 구아슈 | 28.4x13.4 in

프린트물 US$26.49에서
제목이 "build 3D wall artwo…"인 조형물 Branimir Misic로, 원작, 금속
build 3D wall artwork - 조형물, 9.5x6.7 in ©2024 Branimir Misic로 - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, 산업, photo, character, 1 eye, picture, take photo, lens, zeiss, computer, pc, film, watcher, patrol, smart, intelligent, dada, brut art, raw artwork, new old, come back art, poor art

Branimir Misic

"build 3D wall artwork"

조형물 - 금속 | 9.5x6.7 in

제목이 "Gas valve"인 사진 Art$Art로, 원작, 디지털
Gas valve - 사진 ©2013 Art$Art로 - Illustration, illustration-600, 산업, pipe, damper, conduit, tube, piping, bolt, fuel, gasoline, oil, petroleum, industry, stream, chemical, yellow, equipment, object, pressure, outdoor, energy, system


"Gas valve"

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제목이 "Gas pipeline"인 사진 Art$Art로, 원작, 디지털
Gas pipeline - 사진 ©2013 Art$Art로 - Fauvism, fauvism-942, 산업, screw, control, tube, close, yellow, flowing, chemistry, gasoline, oil, chemical, station, pump, metal, physical, resource, curve, line, pressure, energy, iron


"Gas pipeline"

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