Stunning stainless steel welded large scale sculpture Space (2023) Escultura por Kloska Ovidiu

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US$ 32,45
US$ 129,82
US$ 270,45
Resolução máxima: 2736 x 3648 px
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Vendedor Kloska Ovidiu

Flight in infinite space ( signed July 2023 ) unique stainless steel sculpture with welding, deforming, cutting, artistic polishing sculpture approx. dimesnios : 120 x 110 x 100 cm stand dimesnios : 70 x 60 x 60 cm / total 190 x 110 x 100 cm will be sent with authenticity certificate There are no words and no pictures[...]
Flight in infinite space ( signed July 2023 )
unique stainless steel sculpture with welding, deforming, cutting, artistic polishing
sculpture approx. dimesnios : 120 x 110 x 100 cm
stand dimesnios : 70 x 60 x 60 cm / total 190 x 110 x 100 cm
will be sent with authenticity certificate

There are no words and no pictures to express the real beaty and enigma of this amazing artwork. From every single angle you look at it it seems to change the shape and the reflection. Also due the 2 led light spot from the stand in the dark the sculpture is more fascinating. Artwork will be special and secure packed in a wood crate with special protection materials to ensure safe arriving to the collector address.

My metal flights satisfy my acute desire to get out of my own self, to travel, at least mentally, beyond the immediate understanding and perception of reality.
Although they seem to be creations resulting from an elaborate creative process, they were "born" from a spontaneity, without precursor sketches, as if they always existed inside me, as if waiting for a moment of release.
The spatiality of these metal objects is of course closely linked to my attachment to the traces left by the passage of time, to the "dermis" of wear, to the perpetual transformation of space and shapes, which change their valences as if after a score of cosmic music.
My "birds", in unique sequences of detachment in flight, throw their earthly dermis into brutal, contorted volumetric unfolding, but, once the viewer persists in contemplation, the feeling of smooth and detached flight subtly creeps into the spirit.

Temas relacionados

Ovidiu KloskaMetal SculptureStainless Steel SculptureFlying SculptureLarge Scale Sculpture

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Kloska Ovidiu é uma artista romena contemporânea. Sua linguagem visual relaciona-se com sonhos, inconsciência, delírio, alucinação, com a mudança de forma e luz, com o espontâneo,[...]

Kloska Ovidiu é uma artista romena contemporânea. Sua linguagem visual relaciona-se com sonhos, inconsciência, delírio, alucinação, com a mudança de forma e luz, com o espontâneo, a ilusão, o bizarro, o anormal e o normal.

Ovidiu está trabalhando com diferentes meios, incluindo pintura, fotografia e escultura. Suas dramáticas pinturas acrílicas sobre tela lembram artistas magníficos como John Martin e JMW Turner. Enquanto isso, seus escultores de ferro são obras abstratas e industriais que ele classifica como pertencentes às abordagens estilísticas do brutalismo e do desconstrutivismo.

Kloska Ovidiu nasceu em 1977, na Romênia, onde se formou na Universidade de Artes. Membro da União Romena de Artistas Profissionais UAP.

Ver mais de Kloska Ovidiu

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