SUNNY GREETINGS (2) (2024) Fotografie door Kira Denisiuk

Fine art papier, 8x8 in

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US$ 30,81
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  1500 px  

1500 px
Afmetingen van het bestand (px) 1500x1500
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Kunstafbeelding database
  • Dit werk is een "Open Edition" Fotografie, Giclée / Digitale afdruk
  • Dimensies Verschillende maten beschikbaar
  • Verschillende ondersteuningen beschikbaar (Fine art papier, Bedrukkingen op Metaal, Canvas Print)
  • Framing Framing beschikbaar (Zwevend frame + onder glas, Frame + onder acrylglas)
  • Staat van kunstwerk Het kunstwerk is in perfecte staat
  • Categorieën Abstracte Kleurrijk
Somewhere autumn comes into its own and summer gives way to rain, wind and gray clouds... I am pleased to present you a series of my paintings dedicated to the summer warmth and bright ideas. This collection is created in an effort to convey the atmosphere of carefree days, when the sun illuminates the world with bright colors, and nature[...]
Somewhere autumn comes into its own and summer gives way to rain, wind and gray clouds...

I am pleased to present you a series of my paintings dedicated to the summer warmth and bright ideas. This collection is created in an effort to convey the atmosphere of carefree days, when the sun illuminates the world with bright colors, and nature pleases the eye with its amazing shapes and shades.

Each work in this series is not just a depiction of summer; it is an emotional journey that invites the viewer to remember moments of happiness and inspiration. I use rich colors and dynamic compositions to convey the unique energy that summer brings. My paintings are filled with light and life, creating a sense of warmth and joy.

This series of works is an emotional bridge to memories of happy summer moments. Let it become a source of inspiration and comfort for everyone who feels the approach of cold weather. After all, art is a way to keep the warmth of summer inside you, despite all the changes around you.
Automatisch vertaald
Kira is a contemporary artist who was born and raised in Russia, and now lives in St. Petersburg. Drawing for Kira was always the best thing that only photography could compete with. Kira was born into a family[...]

Kira is a contemporary artist who was born and raised in Russia, and now lives in St. Petersburg. Drawing for Kira was always the best thing that only photography could compete with. Kira was born into a family of creative people, where her mother was a professional photographer, and her father was passionate about music. After the divorce, her mother raised Kira on her own.

Kira has always been passionate about art and design. She studied photography, graphic design, and makeup. In addition, she was interested in psychology and tried to understand what drives people.

Kira embodied her creative ideas wherever she could: in notebooks, on the walls, even on the inserts from tights. She didn't always have all the materials she needed on hand, but that didn't stop her. She was attracted to shapes, so you can often see graphic elements in her old works.

Now Kira creates works that reflect various aspects of human behavior. She does this through an exciting series of photographs and mixed media works. 

Bekijk meer van Kira Denisiuk

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