Freedom Tower 800f (2021) 摄影 由 Ken Lerner

摄影, 40x29.2 in
价格: 免费送货

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发货地: 美国 (管) 在3周
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Freedom Tower 800f is a view if the Freedom Tower (1 World Trade Center) in NYC near sunset, when the sun was low in the sky, but not so low that it had started to turn red yet. There are several other versions of the main image (Freedom Tower 800a), each limited to 3 prints in each version. In this version (800f), I have increased the contrast an[...]
Freedom Tower 800f is a view if the Freedom Tower (1 World Trade Center) in NYC near sunset, when the sun was low in the sky, but not so low that it had started to turn red yet. There are several other versions of the main image (Freedom Tower 800a), each limited to 3 prints in each version. In this version (800f), I have increased the contrast an extreme amount, so the clouds have a very dark ominous look to them, and I have also tinted the image to be only shades of Prussian blue and black and bright white from the pale whites, grays, and near blacks of the main image. Now the Freedom Tower seems to glow in the scene, and the foreground is washed out to black, so the tower is the sole point of interest in the picture. Except for the glowing orb shining through the clouds above it, which seems almost like the sun (though of course it is not, as the sun is directly to the west (right ) in this picture producing that incredible glow off the face of the tower mostly angled at a 45 degree angle to us, the viewer. It has almost the science fiction-like feel of a sky with two suns. And unlike version 800d where there is lots of gradation in the clouds above the tower, here there is really only the tower and the glowing orb above it, giving a much colder and starker feel to the image.

Please note - due to Covid-19 limitations still affecting me, delivery will take about 3 weeks


Freedom TowerOne World Trade CenterSkylineCityscapeUrban

肯·勒纳 (Ken Lerner) 是一位充满激情的摄影艺术家,1947 年出生于一个著名摄影师家庭。他从 6 岁开始使用父亲给他的相机拍照。但他对简单地再现现实生活中的瞬间不感兴趣。他的愿景更加主观,他试图投射那一刻的内在现实。 在他职业生涯的初期,他几乎只创作多重曝光的图像。这为图像提供了复杂的结构,并代表了对世界的主观看法。 2010 年代,在从事金融产品销售工作后,他回到摄影领域,只制作单曝光图像。尽管它们在结构上没有那么复杂,但它们仍然代表了一种主观的世界观,几乎完全是抽象的。[...]

肯·勒纳 (Ken Lerner) 是一位充满激情的摄影艺术家,1947 年出生于一个著名摄影师家庭。他从 6 岁开始使用父亲给他的相机拍照。但他对简单地再现现实生活中的瞬间不感兴趣。他的愿景更加主观,他试图投射那一刻的内在现实。

在他职业生涯的初期,他几乎只创作多重曝光的图像。这为图像提供了复杂的结构,并代表了对世界的主观看法。 2010 年代,在从事金融产品销售工作后,他回到摄影领域,只制作单曝光图像。尽管它们在结构上没有那么复杂,但它们仍然代表了一种主观的世界观,几乎完全是抽象的。 Ken 广泛从事水、玻璃和金属等反光表面的创作。

作为自然之美的爱好者,肯·勒纳 (Ken Lerner) 绘制和拍摄了许多风景和海景。他对呈现代表“自然”的不同可能性很感兴趣,并且经常制作具有不同颜色、阴影、对比度和饱和度的图像的许多变体。

查看更多的Ken Lerner

摄影 | 21.8x40 in
摄影 | 40x30.2 in
摄影 | 60x42.5 in
数字艺术 | 60x44.7 in

