STATUE OF LIBERTY Pintura por Kathleen Artist


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Vendedor Kathleen Artist

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US$ 32,34
US$ 129,38
US$ 269,54
Resolução máxima: 570 x 486 px
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Vendedor Kathleen Artist

  • Obras de arte originais Pintura, Acrílico em Tela
  • Dimensões Altura 48in, Largura 72in
  • Categorias Arte Outsider
Statue of Liberty Art Acrylic Painting New York City USA Made On Order Large Wall Art Gifts I LOVE NYC American Flag New York Home Decor TITLE: STATUE OF LIBERTY «Freedom Stars» Acrylic Painting on Canvas 100% Hand Painted ORIGINAL - READY TO HANG MEDIUM: Quality Acrylic on Large Canvas, Palette Knife,[...]
Statue of Liberty Art Acrylic Painting New York City USA Made On Order Large Wall Art Gifts I LOVE NYC American Flag New York Home Decor


Acrylic Painting on Canvas

100% Hand Painted ORIGINAL - READY TO HANG

MEDIUM: Quality Acrylic on Large Canvas, Palette Knife, High Gloss Finish.

Colors: Royal Blue - Red - Green - Black - White - Beige - Yellow - Clear Blue - Orange

Size Available:
- 72" x 48" INCHES (Set 3 pieces 24"x48" Inches)

Temas relacionados

Statue Of LibertyNycNewyork CityIlovenyColorful

Traduzido automaticamente
Born in 1971 in Paris, Kathleen grew up around artistic parents. Later, she pursues her passion by working as an indoor designer in Orlando, Florida and in Montréal, Canada where she is presently living.

Born in 1971 in Paris, Kathleen grew up around artistic parents. Later, she pursues her passion by working as an indoor designer in Orlando, Florida and in Montréal, Canada where she is presently living.
At a very young age, Kathleen is inspired by famous painters, theather, photography, literature and even music that she listens to create her own paintings.
Kathleen has a natural and logical link for the society that encounters us but is soon passionate by the most famous personalities that marked our history throughout the years.​
Her own style emerges of dynamism, it allows her to capture the realism of a certain past while the observer is able to palpably feel the imbedded movement.
In her younger years, Kathleen had already an important concern of oil painting and had explored different process including pastel and chinese ink that she has soon developed the passion for.
She uses her own technic in the way she put together the texture and the texts but also the magnificent colors she uses including the empowerment of her time for her own art, that illustrates the way of thinking and the personalities of her idols.
​Recently, she turned herself towards celebrities portrayal. Not only this... Her love for animals pushes her towards vibrant and unique productions.
Mixed documentations that have a direct link with the life of those that she represents and immortalizes, the traits of her characters are recreated with a precision that we can see through a realist and close photography.
Theses technics reveal the characteristics of celebrities and animals figuring in each of the paintings.
She also names it a dialogue with celebrities chosen with the mixes of the documentation and the colors where the hazard has always the right to respond.

​​All of her artwork reflets her emotions that she likes to share with you which can be seen everywhere on internet.

« I never know in advance how the final painting will look like, it would be monotonous for me to know it ».​

Ver mais de Kathleen Artist

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