the crime scene (2019) Kolaże autorstwa Karla Cinke (Kai)

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Sprzedawca Karla Cinke (Kai)

Papier artystyczny, 12x8 in

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  1012 px  

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Bank dzieł sztuki
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Kolaże, Kolaże / Długopis żelowy / Marker na Papier
  • Wymiary Wysokość 6,7in, Szerokość 4,7in
  • Stan grafiki Praca jest w bardzo dobrym stanie
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Ilustracja Kino
I used to watch a lot of criminal series when I was a kid an then, a few years later, this idea came to me - I wanted to capture a crime scene in an artwork, but using rather symbols to apply the show not tell principle. The scissors symbolize the weapon used to commit the crime. The butterfly has partly cut off wings and represents[...]
I used to watch a lot of criminal series when I was a kid an then, a few years later, this idea came to me - I wanted to capture a crime scene in an artwork, but using rather symbols to apply the show not tell principle.

The scissors symbolize the weapon used to commit the crime.
The butterfly has partly cut off wings and represents the victim.
The abstract faces are the witnesses.
All three subjects are connected by the red string symbolizing the evidence.
I had lot of fun making this artwork as I generally enjoy making collages. In particular I really like incorporating the symbolism of red string into my artworks.
I was also happy with how the faces of the witnesses turned out, it was the first time I tried doing these one-line drawings.

This artwork is supposed to be symbolic and mysterious just as crime scenes are in criminal movies and series.

Powiązane tematy

CollagesCrime SceneShow Not TellCriminalRed String

Przetłumaczone automatycznie
My name is Kai, I am a 16 year old student and I have been interested in all kinds of visual arts ever since I was a child. Art and culture has always been very important to my family, especially to my great[...]

My name is Kai, I am a 16 year old student and I have been interested in all kinds of visual arts ever since I was a child. Art and culture has always been very important to my family, especially to my great grandfather who was an academic painter.

Creating art has become a very important part of my life for many reasons - it helps me cope with past expierences, I can express myself differently, it enables me to see the world around me differently, I also learn some new skills, and much more. 

Art to me is very subjective. What I see in one artwork, others may see very differently - and that is completely okay. In my eyes, art should make us feel things. Often I come across an artwork and as I am looking at it I think to myself that it is not only beautiful but it makes me feel understood, and that in my opinion is the whole point of (modern) art. 

My goal here on Artmajeur is to make my work more visible and get inspired by other talented artists.

Zobacz więcej od Karla Cinke (Kai)

Zobacz wszystkie dzieła
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