Krishna With Cows (2018) 绘画 由 Kailesh Jee

水彩在布上, 18x23 in
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Cows have always been an important part in Indian mythology. In the Pichwai painting tradition as well, cows play an important role as lord Krishna was a cowherd in the formative years of his life and pichwai in particular focuses on the events in shri krishna’s life as a seven year old. Lotuses play an important role in the pichwai painting because[...]
Cows have always been an important part in Indian mythology. In the Pichwai painting tradition as well, cows play an important role as lord Krishna was a cowherd in the formative years of his life and pichwai in particular focuses on the events in shri krishna’s life as a seven year old. Lotuses play an important role in the pichwai painting because it was loved by shri Krishna. In the paintings, he holds lotus in his right hand and wears a garland of lotuses. At some places even his bed was decorated with lotuses.
This painting depicts both the important signs of shri Krishna’s life – cows and lotuses

One of the well known Pichwai artists from Kishangarh, Shehzad Ali Sherani is the recipient of many awards like the State Award, the Rajasthan Lalit Kala Academi Commendation certificate and more. He has been practicing Pichwai and Kishangarh art for many years and learnt under the expert guidance of Padmashri Kripal Singh Shekhawat.

Pichwai paintings originated 400 years ago in Nathdwara, near Udaipur. Although its origin is not known, it is believed that an idol of mountain holder was discovered near Udaipur around 1400 CE. Soon a temple was constructed at the site. During the 16th century, the local artists began decorating the temple, one of them being the Pichwai. Pichwai painting tradition refers to the Mewar school of Rajasthani painting. Pichwai is the Sanskrit word gets where pichh which means back and wai means hanging textile. The theme of the painting is always Shri Krishna, mostly in the form of shrinathji. Shrinathji is the manifestation of Krishna as a seven year old. Other common themes are radha-krishan, gopis, cows and lotuses. It also depicts festicals such as sharad Purnima, raas leela, Govardhan puja, janamashtami, holi, Diwali, etc. These paintings are generally made by the members of Pushti Marg sect. It was founded by Shri Valabhacharya in the 16th century.


PichwaiPichwai PaintingIndian Tribal ArtIndian Folk Art

艺术家表示OPS Art Gallery

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丙烯在布上 | 24x18 in
丙烯在塑料上 | 24x18 in
丙烯在布上 | 78x74.5 in
水彩在布上 | 36x24 in

