La grande boucle (2021) Painting by Jean Mirre

Oil on Paper, 11.8x8.3 in
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Fine art paper, 11x8 in

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  1050 px  

1500 px
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Art image bank
One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
La grande boucle oil on paper 30 x 21 cm About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Oil Paint consisting of pigments bound with linseed[...]
La grande boucle
oil on paper
30 x 21 cm

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A successful artist for many years, Jean Mirre's eclectic style has evolved through many distinct phases - from miniature painting, to rock-and-roll digital art, to abstract southern landscapes, to[...]

A successful artist for many years, Jean Mirre's eclectic style has evolved through many distinct phases - from miniature painting, to rock-and-roll digital art, to abstract southern landscapes, to figurative compositions and abstract expressionism. Here is an artist who does it all, and exceptionally well, repeatedly attracting collectors in the United States, Japan, Brazil, Belgium, England, Germany, Poland, Spain, Italy, Romania and, of course, in France.

Many of his collectors own several paintings by Mirre, which present themselves well in triptychs, diptychs or unique pieces. One of the most remarkable aspects of her work is the poetic feeling of joy and well-being that she conveys to the viewer. “When I was younger, I wanted to be a poet, so I studied literature at universities in Paris, Dublin and London,” says Mirre. "Very soon I discovered that my true calling was to create poetry with visual art. Today, I have found peaceful expression in painting. Optimism is my strongest state of mind. lasting and it spills over my canvases. I want to share with my viewer the happiness I feel and encourage them to focus on the positive, despite the negative energy that surrounds us too often. I believe that we all have the power to shape our world. I choose to shape mine with optimistic and colorful imagery. It is my gift to the present and to the future."

Born in France in 1949, over the years Mirre has exhibited in many places, including Paris, Versailles, Limoges and Dublin, and is a popular internet artist around the world. Mirre lives in France in Linards with her cat Neige, who inspires her.

The Artist was highlighted in an article in Artmajeur Magazine:

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