Aspen Blues (2016) Fotografia por Jade Holing

Papel de belas artes, 12x8 in

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US$ 32,63
Usage: Licença da Web
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  999 px  

1500 px
Dimensões do arquivo (px) 999x1500
Use em todo o mundo Sim
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Uso em qualquer tipo de mídia Sim
Direito de revenda Não
Número máximo de impressões 0 (Zero)
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Todas as imagens em Artmajeur são obras de arte originais criadas por artistas, todos os direitos são estritamente reservados. A aquisição de uma licença dá o direito de usar ou explorar a imagem nos termos da licença. É possível fazer pequenas modificações, tais como reformular ou reorientar a imagem de modo que se encaixe perfeitamente em um projeto, no entanto, é proibido fazer qualquer modificação que seja susceptível de prejudicar o trabalho original. Na sua integridade (modificação de formas, Distorções, corte, mudança de cores, adição de elementos, etc ...), a menos que uma autorização escrita seja obtida de antemão pelo artista.

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Banco de imagens de arte
  • Este trabalho é uma "edição aberta" Fotografia, Giclée / Impressão digital
  • Dimensões Vários tamanhos disponíveis
  • Vários suportes disponíveis (Papel de belas artes, Impressão no metal, Impressão em telas)
  • Moldura Quadro disponível (Quadro flutuante + sob o vidro, Quadro + Sob Vidro Acrílico)
  • Condição da obra de arte A arte está em perfeito estado
  • Categorias Expressionismo Colorida
I find colour can be such a distraction, how can it not be, the hue of any particular thing pulls your eyes toward it that you cannot resist. In this case, the piercing blue above the foliage of the Aspen tree's seduced me.. Sobre esta obra: Classificação,[...]
I find colour can be such a distraction, how can it not be, the hue of any particular thing pulls your eyes toward it that you cannot resist.
In this case, the piercing blue above the foliage of the Aspen tree's seduced me..

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I have been blessed to grow up with a father who was, and still is a remarkable Wildlife Painter, and thus my passion for the arts was sparked at a very early age. Furthermore, I was encouraged to be creative,[...]

I have been blessed to grow up with a father who was, and still is a remarkable Wildlife Painter, and thus my passion for the arts was sparked at a very early age. Furthermore, I was encouraged to be creative, and thus over the years have found that I have an uncanny ability to do well at any creative discipline I put my mind to, such as drawing, painting, design, ceramics, sculpture etc, however its photography (and digital arts) that I’ve excelled and pursued as a career.

 I have been immersed in the photography world since school. My first job was a salesperson at a camera store (Hyperama Photolab / Foto First), where within 18 months, I became senior manager of the entire franchise because of my uncanny ability to sell camera and video camera gear, more than doubling turnover regardless of which store I was stationed.

Whilst there, I developed a keen understanding of not only camera’s and the way they function, but because it was still in the film era, got to explore the magical realm of developing and printing.

At this time, I imagined myself to be a salesperson, and never in my wildest dreams imagined that photography would become my career.

My first real big move into establishing this as my future, was starting work at Quickcut as a Photoshop operator, and this became my specialty for the next 8yrs or so, 1998 onward working as a professional retoucher. This would prove to be a monumental asset as the film era transitioned into digital, and I became equipped from the onset to understand how best an image can be finetuned to be truly captivating. Furthermore, I took it upon myself to question, in a world where we are bombarded with images, what makes a person get drawn to any particular image, be it colour use, composition and/or subject matter, and began to understand the nature of visual communication. Combined with my innate creativity, I quickly established myself as a sort after retoucher by some of the leading photographers in the industry.

 in 2006, myself and 2 other gentlemen started our own commercial photography business, personally making a move to spend more time behind the camera, which I now still run on my own 18yrs later, due to one of the partners passing away, and the other moving into a different arena. As a result, I have taken on all the aspects of the business, and have thus acquired a multitude of skill sets, coming to understand the in’s and out’s of the photography industry as a whole. I have also recently been endorsed by CANON SOUTH AFRICA

Ver mais de Jade Holing

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Fotografia | Vários tamanhos
de US$ 126,26
Fotografia | Vários tamanhos
de US$ 126,26
Fotografia | Vários tamanhos
de US$ 126,26
Fotografia | Vários tamanhos
de US$ 126,26


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