Lease Quadri by Karen Sheltrown

Leasing dell’opera “ Parrot ” di Karen Sheltrown con opzione di acquisto

Le Quadri di Karen Sheltrown sono disponibili per il noleggio con opzione di acquisto

Pittura intitolato "parrot" da Karen Sheltrown, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
parrot (2009)
Pittura da Karen Sheltrown - 8x10 in
141 USD

Scegli i tuoi pagamenti mensili:

Pagamenti mensili
11,9 €+IVA
Valore residuo
3,88 €+IVA
Risparmio fiscale
44,18 €+IVA
Costo totale
114 €+IVA
Pagamenti mensili
6,94 €+IVA
Valore residuo
3,88 €+IVA
Risparmio fiscale
47,6 €+IVA
Costo totale
123 €+IVA
Pagamenti mensili
4,81 €+IVA
Valore residuo
3,88 €+IVA
Risparmio fiscale
49,31 €+IVA
Costo totale
128 €+IVA
Pagamenti mensili
3,85 €+IVA
Valore residuo
3,88 €+IVA
Risparmio fiscale
52,73 €+IVA
Costo totale
136 €+IVA
* Questa è solo una simulazione indicativa. Una proposta contrattuale ti sarà inviata dopo lo studio dei tuoi documenti giustificativi e la convalida del tuo dossier da parte del nostro partner finanziario.

Richiesta di informazioni sul leasing "Parrot"

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Domande frequenti

What are the advantages of leasing works of art?

  • Financial Flexibility: You can enjoy exceptional, high-value works of art without a large initial investment.
  • Tax Benefits: Receive potential tax benefits as rents can be deducted as a business expense.

How are the prices of monthly payments for leasing works of art set?

  • The costs depend on the value of the work, the duration of the leasing contract, and any services included such as installation.

Can we buy the work after the leasing period?

  • Yes, on Artmajeur leasing contracts offer a purchase option at the end of the contract, allowing customers to acquire the work at a determined price (residual value).

How are the safety and insurance of works managed?

  • Insurance during the duration of the rental contract is the responsibility of the customer. It is therefore important to check the details of your insurance contract to be sure that your leased works are covered in the event of damage.

What are the conditions for terminating the leasing contract before its end?

  • Unless there are specific conditions, leasing contracts for works of art commit the client to payment of the entire price of the work; payments are therefore due until the end of the lease.

Maggiori informazioni

parrot (2009)
Pittura da Karen Sheltrown - 8x10 in
Pittura intitolato "parrot" da Karen Sheltrown, Opera d'arte originale, Olio

Riguardo l'autore

Karen Sheltrown – A mac Worthington gallery artist I was born in Manitowoc WI The first 12 years of my life was spent traveling around the USA with my family, living in a bus, singing and[...]

Karen Sheltrown – A mac Worthington gallery artist
I was born in Manitowoc WI

The first 12 years of my life was spent traveling around the USA with my family, living in a bus, singing and playing instruments. My instrument, when I got old enough, was the base guitar. This was not really my passion although I had fun.

I have 6 sisters and 4 brothers. I am a middle child. As you can imagine it was a little hectic in our household at times. After growing up and having my own family experiences my hat goes of to my parents for coping with all of us, and realizing what a wonderful job they did, loving us always.

I have drawn pictures for as long as I can remember, It was something I did a lot while riding on the bus as a child, so I had ample time to be creative.

We never really settled in one place until I was about 15 or 16. I was so fortunate to see so many awesome places across the country that helped inspire my creativity.
Because of our constant traveling to new cities We were all home schooled pretty much by our parents who did a fantastic job.

At age 17 I started taking art classes here and there thru 3 different community colleges, WI. GA. and IL as my passion grew it was one of my favorite things to do.

By the time I turned 20 I started an on the job training program to learn how to weld, it was a new way to be creative, I enjoyed it so much I have now been welding for the past 21 years.

During my life so far, I have made welded sculptures, painted with pastel, oil pencils, charcoal, done pencil sketches, painted ceramics, wood burned my drawings and painted them, worked with resin, got into sewing crafts, wood working, drawn a lot of art work for t-shirt prints. Now after spending most of my time raising my family and working I have finally started to unleash my artistic ability now that I have more time,.

At the present I have been mastering my art skills in digital painting using a wacom tablet and corel paint, and learning embroidery. Next I have my sights on learning pottery.

I am the proud mother of 4 children, 3 boys 1 girl. My oldest boy is currently married an in the air force. Next oldest boy is in the National Guard reserves. My only daughter is graduating this year and training to become a nurse. My youngest boy graduates next year and is an excellent student.

Vedere più a proposito di Karen Sheltrown

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Olio | 8x10 in
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Olio | 10x8 in
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Olio | 8x10 in
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Pittura | 8x10 in
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