Jan-Chris Cilliers Profile Picture

Jan-Chris Cilliers

Bloemfontein, South Africa
Artist (Painting)
Born 1969

Discover contemporary artworks by Jan-Chris Cilliers, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary south african artists. Artistic domains: Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2012 (Country of origin South Africa). Buy Jan-Chris Cilliers's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Jan-Chris Cilliers. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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10 artworks by Jan-Chris Cilliers (Selection)

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Oils on canvas 2012 • 10 artworks

Painting titled "Sea side" by Jan-Chris Cilliers, Original Artwork, Oil
Sea side - Painting, 19.7x31.5 in ©2012 by Jan-Chris Cilliers - Abstract, abstract-570, Painting of sea and rocks
"Sea side"

Oil | 19.7x31.5 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Flag Lady" by Jan-Chris Cilliers, Original Artwork
Flag Lady - Painting, 15.9x15.9 in ©2010 by Jan-Chris Cilliers - Oil on canvas portrait and old South African flag.
"Flag Lady"

Painting | 15.9x15.9 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Shopping" by Jan-Chris Cilliers, Original Artwork, Oil
Shopping - Painting, 15x29.9 in ©2012 by Jan-Chris Cilliers - Abstract, abstract-570, Locals walking to the shop.

Oil | 15x29.9 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Stranger" by Jan-Chris Cilliers, Original Artwork, Oil
Stranger - Painting, 29.9x19.9 in ©2010 by Jan-Chris Cilliers - Expressionism, expressionism-591, artwork_cat.Men, Painting of portrait

Oil | 29.9x19.9 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Pink Lady" by Jan-Chris Cilliers, Original Artwork, Oil
Pink Lady - Painting, 18.5x14.6 in ©2011 by Jan-Chris Cilliers - Abstract, abstract-570, Oil on canvas portrait of a woman
"Pink Lady"

Oil | 18.5x14.6 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Cat at the window" by Jan-Chris Cilliers, Original Artwork, Oil
Cat at the window - Painting, 8.1x8.1 in ©2012 by Jan-Chris Cilliers - Abstract, abstract-570, Cat at a window
"Cat at the window"

Oil | 8.1x8.1 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Girl" by Jan-Chris Cilliers, Original Artwork, Oil
Girl - Painting, 29.9x24 in ©2010 by Jan-Chris Cilliers - Abstract, abstract-570, Painting of a girl

Oil | 29.9x24 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Three sheep" by Jan-Chris Cilliers, Original Artwork, Oil
Three sheep - Painting, 48x18.1 in ©2012 by Jan-Chris Cilliers - Abstract, abstract-570, Three sheep standing in a field with trees.
"Three sheep"

Oil | 48x18.1 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Shaks" by Jan-Chris Cilliers, Original Artwork, Oil
Shaks - Painting, 12.2x12 in ©2012 by Jan-Chris Cilliers - Figurative, figurative-594, Shaks is little houses near Cape Town, South Africa.

Oil | 12.2x12 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Maria" by Jan-Chris Cilliers, Original Artwork, Oil
Maria - Painting, 17.9x12 in ©2012 by Jan-Chris Cilliers - Abstract, abstract-570, Painting of a sad woman

Oil | 17.9x12 in

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