Quantum mechanics (2023) Arte digital por Humans Sato

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  1060 px  

1500 px
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Banco de imágenes de arte
  • Obra de arte original Arte digital, Trabajo Digital 2D / Collages digitales
  • Dimensiones Dimensiones disponibles bajo pedido
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
Artwork realization of the concept of Quantum mechanics, modern physics. Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Técnica[...]
Artwork realization of the concept of Quantum mechanics, modern physics.

Temas relacionados

Quantum MechanicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsModern PhysicsQuantum Physics

Traducido automáticamente
Scientist at the pharmaceutical industry. Ph. D of Theoretical Physics. Studied string theory and black hole physics in graduate school of the Tokyo Institute of Technology. After graduation, spent more than[...]

Scientist at the pharmaceutical industry. Ph. D of Theoretical Physics. Studied string theory and black hole physics in graduate school of the Tokyo Institute of Technology. After graduation, spent more than 11 years in the financial industry. After that, experienced several research jobs including at the University of Tokyo, mainly in the field of computational biology. Current professional research fields are mathematical oncology, computational neuroscience, and quantum biology. Affected by wide-ranged artists including Wassily Kandinsky, Salvador Dali, Taro Okamoto, Shinro Ohtake, and so on. J-pop music lover. Desktop music composition under training. Exhibition history: 12th Dynamic Contemporary Artist Exhibition, 2nd 100 ART Note Project.
H(humanities), M(mathematical), N(natural), S(social). I have studied sciences of these fields, and these are fields being studied at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, where Albert Einstein was, and Edward Witten is belonging now. Although the study in graduate student days was interesting, but too much concentration to physics study has brought the loss of humanity on the other hand (I was like a physics robot).  The use of ‘Humans’ is the commandment to myself not to make further same mistakes again. In addition, the last letter “s” is not only the head letter of science but also represents my will to cherish diversity by using the plural.The common factor that flows at the bottom of my artworks is the fusion of more than two different things. This is realized as the sum of representations that remain in my memory. This way of creating is the same way those new ideas hit upon me in my professional study. My experiences in a lot of fields are gathered and made into one works by considering various aspects of what they are not only visible things but also invisible concepts. If we rephrase my works, in other words, the fusion of physics that are both visible and invisible.

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