Woolhelmina The Scottish Sheep Playing Flamenco 绘画 由 Miki De Goodaboom

水彩在纸上, 12.6x9.5 in
价格: 免费送货

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发货地: 西班牙 | 在1周
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最大分辨率: 3457 x 4582 px

卖家 Miki De Goodaboom

  • 原创艺术品 绘画, 水彩 在纸上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 12.6in, 宽度 9.5in
  • 分类 画作 低于US$500 表现主义
Funny painting of a Scottish hippy sheep called Woolhelmina hitch-hiking on the side of the highway in Spain by Alicante, standing there with her big bag and a guitar. Truffle McFurry tells the story: " When I was driving to Benidorm with Mary the other day, we saw a hitch-hiker standing on the side of the highway. Miki had[...]
Funny painting of a Scottish hippy sheep called Woolhelmina hitch-hiking on the side of the highway in Spain by Alicante, standing there with her big bag and a guitar.

Truffle McFurry tells the story:
" When I was driving to Benidorm with Mary the other day, we saw a hitch-hiker standing on the side of the highway. Miki had told me not to take any hitch-hiker, but well, Mary insisted so much that I had to stop.

The reason was that the hitch-hiker was... a Scottish sheep! And what a sheep! We took her until Benidorm and she spoke all the way long with Mary in their Scottish jargon, I hardly understood them!

She said her name was Woolhelmina. Yes, WOOLhelmina, not to be confused with Wilhelmina. She was a hippy sheep, and a musician. She had come all the way from Scotland to Spain to buy an authentic Spanish guitar, and she was on her way back now. She wanted to learn flamenco on her new guitar and become a big star.

I heard Mary tell her that she often feels homesick. And I heard Woolhelmina asking Mary:

"Do you want to hitch-hike back to Scotland with me? You could learn dancing flamenco while I play, we would me make a great duo, and would be very successful!"

My heart stopped beating in my breast. I was so scared that Mary says yes and goes. I have grown very fond of her, you know, it would break my heart if she left us.

But after a long silence Mary answered:

"Thank you, Woolhelmina, but no. I have a new family now, I love them so much, and they love me so much. This is much more important than homesickness! And you know, at the end, real home is where the heart is!".

Dear Little Mary!

By the way, you might understand now whom Mary got the idea of an ear piercing from!

So, friends, look out, there will be soon a new music star in the world!

Good luck Woolhelmina! We will never forget you!

Love you all




Teddy BearTruffle McfurryMarySheepScottish

米基·德·古德布姆 (Miki De Goodaboom) 是一位法国当代艺术家。对于三木来说,绘画是一块反光的画布,反映了她存在的永恒潮起潮落——光与影、线条与形状、时间与地点之间的舞蹈。在她的艺术中,她不断寻求平衡,这种微妙的平衡只能在持续的运动中、在神秘和未知的神秘领域中找到。她的生活以两种深刻的激情交织在一起的叙事方式展开:数学和绘画。前者是抽象艺术的最高形式,统治着她的宇宙,规定了她的宇宙之旅的规则。后者是一种将数学艺术固有的美具体化的手段,在她的想象画布上捕捉其本质。

米基·德·古德布姆 (Miki De Goodaboom) 是一位法国当代艺术家。对于三木来说,绘画是一块反光的画布,反映了她存在的永恒潮起潮落——光与影、线条与形状、时间与地点之间的舞蹈。在她的艺术中,她不断寻求平衡,这种微妙的平衡只能在持续的运动中、在神秘和未知的神秘领域中找到。她的生活以两种深刻的激情交织在一起的叙事方式展开:数学和绘画。前者是抽象艺术的最高形式,统治着她的宇宙,规定了她的宇宙之旅的规则。后者是一种将数学艺术固有的美具体化的手段,在她的想象画布上捕捉其本质。

米基·德·古德布姆 (Miki De Goodaboom) 的艺术超越了地理界限,她的画作作为普遍的表达方式,与世界各地的观众产生共鸣。她独特的能力将她的激情本质融入到她的艺术中,使每件作品都证明了她错综复杂的生活挂毯——她的生活充满了创造力、数学精确性和对捕捉和谐中深刻之美的坚定承诺。形状和颜色的相互作用。她的作品体现了她充满活力的生活,在世界各地找到了热切的观众和赞赏的买家。

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