Moon Goddess (2023) 数字艺术 由 Glenn Miller



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卖家 Glenn Miller



最大分辨率: 6517 x 9583 px

卖家 Glenn Miller

  • 该作品是“开放版” 数字艺术, GicléePrint / 数字打印
  • 外形尺寸 几种尺寸可供选择
  • 独家支持 (美术纸, 金属上的印刷, 画布上打印)
  • 是否含画框 有框架 (浮动框架+玻璃下, 框架+在丙烯酸玻璃下)
  • 艺术品状况 艺术品完好无损
  • AI生成的图像 艺术家利用人工智能技术创作了这幅图像
  • 分类 形象艺术 女性裸体
This is part of my 'Sacred Goddesses' digital art series that embraces the mythic realm of ancient civilizations, where powerful goddesses were revered as symbols of fertility and spiritual transformation. 关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式
This is part of my 'Sacred Goddesses' digital art series that embraces the mythic realm of ancient civilizations, where powerful goddesses were revered as symbols of fertility and spiritual transformation.



Glenn is a figurative artist whose work is a synthesis of various aesthetic and cultural influences. He defines his style as 'neo-primitivism', which combines elements of primitivism with a modern[...]

Glenn is a figurative artist whose work is a synthesis of various aesthetic and cultural influences. He defines his style as 'neo-primitivism', which combines elements of primitivism with a modern sensibility.

His 'Enchanted Allegories' digital art series depicts the female form immersed in the landscape, encouraging a contemplative exploration of the interplay between the tangible and the symbolic. His subject matter and presentation reflect a desire to reach beyond contemporary boundaries and evoke a sense of otherness, reminding us of the diversity and richness that exists in the world of art.

He is currently working on his 'Sacred Goddesses' digital art series, which delves into the primal roots of ancient cultures and honors the divine feminine through art and myth. Each work evokes the essence of mythical goddesses, a visual representation of the power and mystery that has captivated humanity since the dawn of time.

He was born in country Queensland and now lives in the upper Noosa hinterland, where he paints in solitude in his studio, working primarily in oils on canvas. He has exhibited widely and his works are held in private and corporate collections in Australia as well as internationally. He has twice won the Bundaberg City Council Art Award, has been a finalist in several major art awards, including the Glover Landscape Award in 2012, the Norville Landscape Award in 2010 and 2014, as well as a semi-finalist in the Doug Moran National Portrait Prize in 2013 and 2015.

'I firmly believe that the fusion of human creativity and AI technology holds tremendous potential to redefine the boundaries of artistic expression, akin to the groundbreaking ideas of Marcel Duchamp in the early 20th century. Duchamp challenged conventional notions of art by presenting ordinary, non-aesthetic objects as art, thereby questioning the very definition of artistic value. Similarly, the incorporation of AI-generated art can be seen as a contemporary parallel, challenging traditional modes of creation and perception. By harnessing the capabilities of AI and integrating it into my artistic process, I aim to embrace the spirit of innovation and provoke thought through artworks that resonate with viewers. Just as Duchamp's ready-mades disrupted the art world, the presentation of AI-generated art as a legitimate medium prompts us to reevaluate our preconceived notions and embrace the evolving role of technology in the arts.'

Glenn Miller, 2023

查看更多的Glenn Miller

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