Papagei (2021) Schilderij door Gerry Miller


Bekijk meer van Gerry Miller

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Verkoper Gerry Miller

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US$ 27,14
US$ 46,67
US$ 100,94
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Verkoper Gerry Miller

Digitale licentie

Deze afbeelding is beschikbaar als download met licentie

US$ 32,56
US$ 130,25
US$ 271,35
Max resolutie: 2662 x 1980 px
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Artiesten krijgen hun royalty's betaald voor elke verkoop

Verkoper Gerry Miller

Another colourful bird painting. This time I used oil paint thickly applied. The surface is a piece of primed cardboard. Une autre peinture d'oiseau colorée. Cette fois, j'ai utilisé de la peinture à l'huile appliquée en couche épaisse. La surface est un morceau de carton apprêté. Ein weiteres farbenfrohes Vogelgemälde.[...]
Another colourful bird painting. This time I used oil paint thickly applied. The surface is a piece of primed cardboard.

Une autre peinture d'oiseau colorée. Cette fois, j'ai utilisé de la peinture à l'huile appliquée en couche épaisse. La surface est un morceau de carton apprêté.

Ein weiteres farbenfrohes Vogelgemälde. Diesmal habe ich Ölfarbe verwendet, die dick aufgetragen wurde. Die Oberfläche ist ein Stück grundierter Karton.

Un altro dipinto di uccelli colorati. Questa volta ho usato pittura a olio applicata spesso. La superficie è un pezzo di cartone innescato.

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Automatisch vertaald
I am a Scottish figurative artist living in Germany. I work in a variety of media and specialize on the human figure and landscapes. My paintings and drawings primarily show the female figure in a variety of[...]

I am a Scottish figurative artist living in Germany. I work in a variety of media and specialize on the human figure and landscapes. My paintings and drawings primarily show the female figure in a variety of experimental tones and colours.
I spent the most of my artistic career doing portraits using life models or photographic sources.
I also explore classic subjects such as landscapes and still lives as an examination of spiritual elements and how we add to or contribute to the physical universe. For me, the realist approach is the greatest way to do this.
I suppose I am influenced by a desire to capture the Infinity of ephemeral moments within an infinite number of moments. Painting and drawing are a never-ending source of inspiration for me, and I believe in constant experimentation within a framework of artistic fundamentals. I wish to elevate life above the laws of physics by creating interactive beauty.

Influences include Hopper, Warhol, Dali, Picasso, Erich Fichtl, and Monet to mention a few.

My artistic career began in mid-eighties London where I worked as a professional portrait artist, whilst taking life-drawing classes at St. Martins School of Art 

Despite tempting offers to work as a fashion designer on London’s King’s Road, or exhibit in a New York gallery, I kept to my path. I simply loved drawing and painting people, and I wasn’t ready for New York. 

Fate had me destined for Europe, namely Bavaria, where I had my first solo exhibitions and developed my career as an artist for real. 

Later I moved to the east of Berlin.

Bekijk meer van Gerry Miller

Bekijk alle kunstwerken
Olie op MDF-plaat | 11,8x15,8 in
US$ 813,72
Olie op MDF-plaat | 15,4x10,2 in
US$ 813,72
Aquarel op Papier | 19,7x15,8 in
US$ 267,92
Olie op MDF-plaat | 13,8x16,7 in
US$ 703,01


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