En Choeur (2023) Pintura por Frédéric Pierre Lemonnier Lemonnier


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Vendedor Frédéric Pierre Lemonnier Lemonnier

Papel de belas artes, 8x8 in

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US$ 326,22
Usage: Licença da Web
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  1478 px  

1495 px
Dimensões do arquivo (px) 1478x1495
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Número máximo de impressões 0 (Zero)
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Banco de imagens de arte
"En choeur" Avril 2023 Gesso noir et blanc, acrylique & huile sur toile 100cmX100cm Cette oeuvre fait partie d'une série sur la joie de se retrouver ensemble. Les couleurs sont vives, le soleil est resplendissant. On ne distingue pas totalement le visage souvent masqué de blanc comme un rappel à cette époque[...]
"En choeur" Avril 2023
Gesso noir et blanc, acrylique & huile sur toile 100cmX100cm

Cette oeuvre fait partie d'une série sur la joie de se retrouver ensemble. Les couleurs sont vives, le soleil est resplendissant. On ne distingue pas totalement le visage souvent masqué de blanc comme un rappel à cette époque de confinement. Pourtant les couleurs des tuniques restent joyeuses sur un campagne tout en ocre et des toits rouges.

Temas relacionados

ColoristeColourfullPeinture JoyeuseHuileArt Fauve

Traduzido automaticamente
FREDERIC , PIERRE  LEMONNIER was born in 1973 in Soissons (France). Nourished by his travels, his love of other cultures, and his philosophy, history of art, languages and music studies,[...]

FREDERIC, PIERRE LEMONNIER was born in 1973 in Soissons (France). Nourished by his travels, his love of other cultures, and his philosophy, history of art, languages and music studies, he is constantly in search of meaning. So, he uses a wide variety of Media to interpret his conception of the world. 

It is at 46 years old that suddenly, as if seized with an irrepressible desire to express myself differently, after 30 years of" pictorial silence ", I have started painting again: I then paint my world, multi-coloured, multicultural, my homophobic aggression, my ideal vision of love, I paint the betrayal of man by man, his loneliness. I don't care about currents or pictorial modes, what I want is to bring out the light from a dark world: create meaning !

It is in the gesture of the brush on the canvas, in the glow of a scarlet red… that, according to him, the true intuitive meaning is disclosed in such as an immeasurable link to the essence of all things. The artist does not intend to represent or reproduce, he creates meaning: “It is neither the rational explanation, nor the outdated emotion that I seek, but the depth of twilight to surprise the dawn.” Frédéric Lemonnier’s work fits between a poetic semi-figurative and an abstract narrative:  his creations explore the human betrayal (his barbarism) through the wandering of oblong shapes in silent colour. So, in his composition, out of the dark, there always comes the light!

He mainly paints on linen or cotton canvases, in acrylic but more often oil for the smoothness and brilliance of the colour. He receives the influence from different cultures (both the expressionism of Munch or Kandinsky, and the abstraction of Soulages or Hartung). But his main direction is the expression of a meaning, and its almost mystical interpretation by the viewer.

Ver mais de Frédéric Pierre Lemonnier Lemonnier

Ver todas as obras
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US$ 3.034,63
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US$ 1.495,13
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US$ 885,1
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