Fragment #12 (2020) Photography by Franck Gérard

Photography, 23.6x23.6 in
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Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 5 collections
Print on Fuji Crystal DP II photo paper. Limited Edition of 5. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Digital Photography Techniques for[...]
Print on Fuji Crystal DP II photo paper. Limited Edition of 5.
Franck Gérard, an accomplished self-taught visual artist based in Angers, France, has carved a unique niche for himself in the art world. With a background spanning 20 years as a computer graphics designer[...]

Franck Gérard, an accomplished self-taught visual artist based in Angers, France, has carved a unique niche for himself in the art world. With a background spanning 20 years as a computer graphics designer in architecture and a technology consultant, Franck began sharing his personal vector graphics creations on Instagram in 2020, quickly amassing over 230,000 followers in less than three years.

His eclectic interests range from art in all its forms to architecture, fashion, and technology, all of which inform and inspire his work. Franck's artistic repertoire is diverse, encompassing a wide array of digital techniques including vector illustration, digital painting, manipulated photography, 3D modeling, artificial intelligence, and computer coding.

His work is heavily influenced by major artistic movements of the 20th century, and he uniquely blends these inspirations to produce "retro-futuristic" artworks, exclusively utilizing digital tools. Beyond his personal projects, Franck Gérard is also sought after for commissioned digital artworks, photographs, and illustrations by prestigious clients in the luxury, fashion, and entertainment industries, showcasing his versatility and appeal across various sectors.

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Photography | 23.6x23.6 in
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