Tableaux de peintures originales à vendre

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Peinture intitulée "Go to your star" par Artseeker Artists, Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique Monté sur Panneau de bois
Go to your star - Peinture, 49,6x25,2 in ©2022 par Artseeker Artists - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Scène de genre, Mountain river artwork, Female face art, Information war, Pandemic-inspired artwork, Balance and harmony, Inner voice and dreams, Overcoming negativity, Appreciating life's moments, Embracing possibilities, Art as a source of light, Emotional expression through, Reflection of current events, Symbolism in art, Transformative power of art, Finding one's own path, Inspiring hope and resilience, Artwork with social commentary, Guiding lost souls through art, Contemporary surrealism, Mixed media painting

Artseeker Artists

"Go to your star"

Acrylique sur Bois | 49,6x25,2 in

2 487 $US
1 990 $US
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