Oeuvres d'art originales sur la nature à vendre

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Peinture intitulée "Yellow sunny flower…" par Nataliia Zablotskaya, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile
Yellow sunny flowers Orange sunset art Sunflowers in Tuscany - Peinture, 19,7x27,6 in ©2017 par Nataliia Zablotskaya - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Fleur, yellow sunflower, sunflowers art, impasto painting, wife birthday, flowers stilllife, palette knife, sunflowers paint, sunset canvas, field canvas, textured wallart, orange sunset, blooming sunflower, landscape sunflower

Nataliia Zablotskaya

"Yellow sunny flowers Orange sunset art Sunflowers in Tuscany"

Huile sur Toile | 19,7x27,6 in

387 $US
Impressions disponibles
Gravures & estampes intitulée ""SOFT CHANGE" - SUR…" par Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork), Œuvre d'art originale, Acryliqu…
"SOFT CHANGE" - SURREAL, DARK, RED FLOWERS - Gravures & estampes, 27,6x21,7 in ©2024 par Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork) - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Fleur, flower, skull, life and death, print, symbolism, surrealism, contemporary, baroque, acrylics on canvas, dramatic art, surreal artwork, art for living room, romantic surrealism, darkness, flower print, art nouveau, macabre beauty, black blue red white colors, wall art, art collector

Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork)


Gravures & estampes sur Toile | 27,6x21,7 in

2 176,44 $US
Impressions disponibles
Gravures & estampes intitulée ""FLORA RESET" - SUR…" par Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork), Œuvre d'art originale, Acryliqu…
"FLORA RESET" - SURREAL, DARK, RED FLOWERS - Gravures & estampes, 27,6x21,7 in ©2024 par Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork) - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Fleur, symbolism, surrealism, contemporary, skull, life and death, dramatic art, flower, print, baroque, acrylics on canvas, surreal artwork, art for living room, romantic surrealism, flower print, hyper detailed art, art nouveau, macabre beauty, art collector, wall art, black blue red white colors

Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork)


Gravures & estampes sur Toile | 27,6x21,7 in

2 176,44 $US
Impressions disponibles
Peinture intitulée "Morning flower (oil…" par Poly, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile Monté sur Carton
Morning flower (oil painting miniature on canvas) - Peinture, 2,8x3,9 in ©2022 par Poly - Figurative, figurative-594, Fleur, flower, flowers, floral, nature, plant, holiday, love, morning, blue, floral art, floral painting, wall art flower, wall art flowers, painting flower, painting flowers, small, mini, miniature, ministures


"Morning flower (oil painting miniature on canvas)"

Huile sur Toile de lin | 2,8x3,9 in

180 $US
Impressions disponibles
Peinture intitulée "Mushrooms Forest" par Oxana Lazari, Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique Monté sur Châssis en bois
Mushrooms Forest - Peinture, 27,6x19,7 in ©2024 par Oxana Lazari - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Champignon, Mushroom forest painting, Original mushroom painting, Colorful mushrooms painting, Psychedelic painting, Trippy painting, Whimsical forest painting, Nature colorful artwork, Forest painting, Landscape artwork, Abstract pink artwork, Colorful bold abstraction, Pink flowers painting, Botanical painting, Plants painting, Fungi painting, Textural painting, Fantasy colorful artwork, Mushrooms wall decor, Magic forest painting, Dot painting

Oxana Lazari

"Mushrooms Forest"

Acrylique sur Toile | 27,6x19,7 in

640,39 $US
Peinture intitulée "Framed initial W in…" par Ekaterina Andreeva, Œuvre d'art originale, Aquarelle
Framed initial W in Art Nouveau style, Letter W, Floral Mon - Peinture, 5,7x4,3 in ©2021 par Ekaterina Andreeva - Calligraphy, calligraphy-210, Fleur, Letter W, monogram, medieval initial, alphabet, choir book, book lover, manuscript, Gold, magic flower, Alberto Sangorski, Art Deco, name, Framed art, framing, frenchmatting, lavis, artframe

Ekaterina Andreeva

"Framed initial W in Art Nouveau style, Letter W, Floral Mon"

Aquarelle sur Papier | 5,7x4,3 in

397 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Sky" par Alina Kloka, Œuvre d'art originale, Pigments
Sky - Sculpture, 4,7x12,6 in ©2022 par Alina Kloka - Abstract, abstract-570, Nature, Sky, Clouds, Artwork, Wall Installation, Ultramarine blue, 3D, yves klein

Alina Kloka


Sculpture - Pigments | 4,7x12,6 in

598,22 $US
Peinture intitulée "Floral Tenderness" par Natalie Aleksejeva (NatalieVerve), Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique Monté sur Châ…
Floral Tenderness - Peinture, 29,9x29,9 in ©2024 par Natalie Aleksejeva (NatalieVerve) - Abstract, abstract-570, Fleur, fantasy flower, gentle colours, yellow colours, multicoloured

Natalie Aleksejeva (NatalieVerve)

"Floral Tenderness"

Acrylique sur Toile | 29,9x29,9 in

1 315,96 $US
Peinture intitulée "Fantacy Flower 6 “O…" par Carole Mcalpine, Œuvre d'art originale, Crayon
Fantacy Flower 6 “Ocean Garden” - Peinture, 23,6x18,5 in ©2021 par Carole Mcalpine - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Fleur

Carole Mcalpine

"Fantacy Flower 6 “Ocean Garden”"

Crayon sur Papier | 23,6x18,5 in

1 402,99 $US
Peinture intitulée "Family of mushrooms…" par Liubov Samoilova, Œuvre d'art originale, Pastel
Family of mushrooms with snail - Peinture, 9,1x11,8 in ©2023 par Liubov Samoilova - Figurative, figurative-594, Champignon, mushrooms, mushrooms with red cap, edible mushrooms, forest mushrooms, landscape with mushroom

Liubov Samoilova

"Family of mushrooms with snail"

Pastel sur Papier | 9,1x11,8 in

148,15 $US
Impressions disponibles
Peinture intitulée "Magic field 6" par Iryna Kastsova, Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique Monté sur Châssis en bois
Magic field 6 - Peinture, 35,4x51,2 in ©2023 par Iryna Kastsova - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Nature, magic field, gold, purple, expressionism, painting

Iryna Kastsova

"Magic field 6"

Acrylique sur Toile | 35,4x51,2 in

3 025,48 $US
Impressions disponibles
Peinture intitulée "Fragility and beaut…" par Nadiia Antoniuk, Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique
Fragility and beauty of the life - Peinture, 39,4x78,7 in ©2023 par Nadiia Antoniuk - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Arbre, sakura, pink, pink sakura, pink abstract, pink painting, pink art, pink artwork, pink tree, tree, tree abstract, modern tree, modern tree., impressionist tree, impressionist nature, impressionist pink

Nadiia Antoniuk

"Fragility and beauty of the life"

Acrylique sur Toile | 39,4x78,7 in

Gravures & estampes intitulée ""SPECTRAL BLOOM 4"…" par Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork), Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique…
"SPECTRAL BLOOM 4" - SURREAL, DARK, WHITE FLOWERS - Gravures & estampes, 27,6x21,7 in ©2024 par Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork) - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Fleur, dramatic art, print, contemporary, symbolism, surrealism, life and death, flower, skull, baroque, acrylics on canvas, surreal artwork, art for living room, romantic, darkness, flower print, art nouveau, macabre beauty, wall art, art collector, black red pink white colors

Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork)


Gravures & estampes sur Toile | 27,6x21,7 in

1 577,11 $US
Impressions disponibles
Peinture intitulée "Flowers painting,fl…" par Raissa Kagan, Œuvre d'art originale, Aquarelle
Flowers painting,flora fantasy original watercolor painting - Peinture, 15,8x11,8 in ©2023 par Raissa Kagan - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Fleur, flowers painting, floral fantasy art, flowers wall art, original watercolor, floral landscape, pink blue flowers, flowers watercolor painting, flowers painting for sale, flowers painting buy online, pastel colours flowers

Raissa Kagan

"Flowers painting,flora fantasy original watercolor painting"

Aquarelle sur Papier | 15,8x11,8 in

327,41 $US
Impressions disponibles
Peinture intitulée "Organics 8" par Evgeniya Bova, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile
Organics 8 - Peinture, 27,6x19,7 in ©2024 par Evgeniya Bova - Abstract, abstract-570, Fleur, floral abstract, abstract, contemporary, oil painting, minimalism, botanical, plants, flowers, harmonious, wall art, nature, organic patterns, succulents, vibrant colors, soft gradients, vertical, botanical painting, interior designe, interior decor, wall art decor

Evgeniya Bova

"Organics 8"

Huile sur Toile | 27,6x19,7 in

863,47 $US
Peinture intitulée "Vivid Flower landsc…" par Prosto Nastasya, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile Monté sur Panneau de bois
Vivid Flower landscape oil painting Original oil art ART - Peinture, 19,7x19,7 in ©2021 par Prosto Nastasya - Land Art, land-art-957, Fleur, multicolored landscape, sunset over the field, what to give for holidays, vivid nature painting, pink colored sky art, violet flowers painting, sun sets painting, The rich colors paintings, Vivid Flower landscape, oil painting flowers, Original oil art lanscape, Paysage d'huile d'origine

Prosto Nastasya

"Vivid Flower landscape oil painting Original oil art ART"

Huile sur Toile | 19,7x19,7 in

581,84 $US
Impressions disponibles
Dessin intitulée "Letter J, Blue, Gre…" par Ekaterina Andreeva, Œuvre d'art originale, Aquarelle
Letter J, Blue, Green, Lilac and Gold Fantasy, J Monogram - Dessin, 3,9x3,2 in ©2022 par Ekaterina Andreeva - Illustration, illustration-600, Fleur, Illuminated Letter, Initial J, monogram, medieval, Alphabet, book lover, manuscript, name, Blue, Green, Lilac, gold, Owen Jones

Ekaterina Andreeva

"Letter J, Blue, Green, Lilac and Gold Fantasy, J Monogram"

Aquarelle sur Papier | 3,9x3,2 in

207 $US
Peinture intitulée "Textured oil art Ye…" par Nataliia Zablotskaya, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile
Textured oil art Yellow grey wall art Flowers still life Oil - Peinture, 19,7x27,6 in ©2017 par Nataliia Zablotskaya - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Fleur, fluffy clouds, gift picture oil, original family gift, zen garden art, fireplace decor, bright wall art, palette knife art, remembrance gift, yellow grey wall art, oil green painting, flower fairies, herb garden, textured wall art

Nataliia Zablotskaya

"Textured oil art Yellow grey wall art Flowers still life Oil"

Huile sur Toile | 19,7x27,6 in

671 $US
Impressions disponibles
Peinture intitulée "Bouquet of roses ro…" par Marina Gavrilova, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile
Bouquet of roses rose palette knife roses impressionism - Peinture, 11x7,1 in ©2023 par Marina Gavrilova - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Fleur, Bouquet of roses, rose palette knife, roses impressionism, small white bouquet, roses milk, bright bouquet, romantic bouquet, present for her, charm bouquet

Marina Gavrilova

"Bouquet of roses rose palette knife roses impressionism"

Huile sur Toile | 11x7,1 in

199,78 $US
Impressions disponibles
Peinture intitulée "MOONLIGHT, small sq…" par Rimma Savina, Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique Monté sur Châssis en bois
MOONLIGHT, small square nature painting night sky moonlight - Peinture, 15,8x15,8 in ©2021 par Rimma Savina - Figurative, figurative-594, Nature, night sky, full moon, moonlight, trees, 40x40, small square painting, milky way, stars, clouds, sky, small gift, affordable, cheap, under 500, nature, deep blue, bedroom, cabinet, night scene, serenity

Rimma Savina

"MOONLIGHT, small square nature painting night sky moonlight"

Acrylique sur Toile | 15,8x15,8 in

Impressions à partir de 45,70 $US
Peinture intitulée "fantasy flowers" par Anna Serebrenoya, Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique
fantasy flowers - Peinture, 21,7x29,5 in ©2023 par Anna Serebrenoya - Street Art, street-art-624, Fleur, street art, flowers, floral, fantasy, colored, orchids, abstract

Anna Serebrenoya

"fantasy flowers"

Acrylique sur Toile | 21,7x29,5 in

332,96 $US
Impressions disponibles
Dessin intitulée "Letter R, Art Nouve…" par Ekaterina Andreeva, Œuvre d'art originale, Aquarelle
Letter R, Art Nouveau Fantasy, R Floral Monogram, Green, Yel - Dessin, 6,3x4,9 in ©2021 par Ekaterina Andreeva - Calligraphy, calligraphy-210, Fleur, Illumination, Initial R, monogram, alphabe, choir book, book lover, manuscript, yellow, Green, red, Gold, magic flower, Alberto Sangorski, name, Art Nouveau, Painting floral, daisy, chamomile

Ekaterina Andreeva

"Letter R, Art Nouveau Fantasy, R Floral Monogram, Green, Yel"

Aquarelle sur Papier | 6,3x4,9 in

217 $US
Peinture intitulée "ROSAL FANTASY" par Anandswaroop Manchiraju, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile
ROSAL FANTASY - Peinture, 22x42 in ©2018 par Anandswaroop Manchiraju - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Nature, ROSAL FANTASY

Anandswaroop Manchiraju


Huile sur Toile | 22x42 in

3 810,33 $US
Peinture intitulée "Texture white flowe…" par Tatiana Malinovscaia, Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique
Texture white flowers, light abstract impasto painting - Peinture, 39,4x59,1 in ©2023 par Tatiana Malinovscaia - Abstract, abstract-570, Fleur, impasto, soft colours, abstract flowers painting, large floral painting, florals, stylish, cottage style art, cottage style painting, cream tones, impression flowers, peony, roses

Tatiana Malinovscaia

"Texture white flowers, light abstract impasto painting"

Acrylique sur Toile | 39,4x59,1 in

1 308,53 $US
Impressions disponibles
Peinture intitulée "Midsummer Night" par Junija Galejeva, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile Monté sur Châssis en bois
Midsummer Night - Peinture, 31,5x25,6 in ©2021 par Junija Galejeva - Abstract, abstract-570, Nature, midsummer, lights, expressive brushstrokes, contemporary art, light colors, silver, silver night, grey, light green, light brown, home, home design, home decoration, season, summer, abstract nature, interior, interior design, art and cat

Junija Galejeva

"Midsummer Night"

Huile sur Toile | 31,5x25,6 in

1 278,56 $US
Impressions disponibles
Gravures & estampes intitulée ""SPECTRAL BLOOM 3"…" par Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork), Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique…
"SPECTRAL BLOOM 3" - SURREAL, DARK, WHITE FLOWERS - Gravures & estampes, 27,6x21,7 in ©2024 par Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork) - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Fleur, dramatic art, print, contemporary, symbolism, surrealism, life and death, flower, skull, baroque, acrylics on canvas, surreal artwork, art for living room, romantic, darkness, flower print, art nouveau, macabre beauty, wall art, art collector, black red pink white colors

Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork)


Gravures & estampes sur Toile | 27,6x21,7 in

1 577,11 $US
Impressions disponibles
Peinture intitulée "Organics 5" par Evgeniya Bova, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile
Organics 5 - Peinture, 31,5x51,2 in ©2024 par Evgeniya Bova - Abstract, abstract-570, Fleur, abstract, contemporary, horizontal, succulents, minimalism, botanical, plants, Vibrant colors, Soft gradients, Tranquil, Harmonious colors, Nature, Nature inspired, Organic patterns, Floral abstract, Decorative art, blue, biege, green, violet

Evgeniya Bova

"Organics 5"

Huile sur Toile | 31,5x51,2 in

1 264,13 $US
Impressions disponibles
Peinture intitulée "On her body..." par Gugi Goo, Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique Monté sur Châssis en bois
On her body... - Peinture, 49,2x59,1 in ©2024 par Gugi Goo - Abstract, abstract-570, Fleur, abstract, extra large painting, mixed media paintings, flower painting, collage art, female artist, gugi goo, art collection, art gallery, emerging artist, Lisbon artist, paris, love art, invest in art, wall art, poetic painting, home decor, artsy

Gugi Goo

"On her body..."

Acrylique sur Toile | 49,2x59,1 in

8 529,29 $US
Gravures & estampes intitulée ""SPECTRAL BLOOM" -…" par Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork), Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique…
"SPECTRAL BLOOM" - SURREAL, DARK, PINK FLOWERS - Gravures & estampes, 27,6x21,7 in ©2024 par Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork) - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Fleur, dramatic art, print, contemporary, symbolism, surrealism, life and death, flower, skull, baroque, acrylics on canvas, surreal artwork, art for living room, romantic surrealism, darkness, flower print, art nouveau, macabre beauty, wall art, art collector, black red pink white colors

Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork)


Gravures & estampes sur Toile | 27,6x21,7 in

2 176,44 $US
Impressions disponibles
Photographie intitulée "FLAME ORANGE  FIGUR…" par Evgeny Chashchikhin, Œuvre d'art originale, Photographie numérique Monté s…

Evgeny Chashchikhin



Pas à Vendre
Peinture intitulée "Floral fantasy №1 (…" par Poly, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile Monté sur Panneau de bois
Floral fantasy №1 (oil painting on canvas) - Peinture, 11,8x11,8 in ©2021 par Poly - Figurative, figurative-594, Fleur, floral painting, floral wall art, floral artwork, painting flowers, wall art flowers, artwork flowers, painting vintage style, wall art vintage style, artwork vintage style, painting old style, wall art old style, artwork old style, painting nature summer, wall art nature summer, artwork nature summer, oil round painting, oil round wall art, oil round artwork, love gift holidays, wedding gift oil art


"Floral fantasy №1 (oil painting on canvas)"

Huile sur Toile | 11,8x11,8 in

960 $US
800 $US
Peinture intitulée "Benuded flesh,heali…" par Aloakash, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile
Benuded flesh,healing roses - Peinture, 14,6x10,6 in ©2024 par Aloakash - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Fleur, Keywords Roses, flowers, amor, passion, flesh, Benuded, bodies, unfurl, bold, sensuous, painting


"Benuded flesh,healing roses"

Huile sur Papier | 14,6x10,6 in

524,38 $US
Impressions disponibles
Peinture intitulée "Letter I, Art Nouve…" par Ekaterina Andreeva, Œuvre d'art originale, Aquarelle
Letter I, Art Nouveau Fantasy, I Floral Monogram - Peinture, 11,4x8,3 in ©2023 par Ekaterina Andreeva - Calligraphy, calligraphy-210, Fleur, Illumination, Initial I, monogram, alphabet, choir book, book lover, manuscrip, Green, Gold, magic flower, Alberto Sangorski, Art Nouveau, Painting floral

Ekaterina Andreeva

"Letter I, Art Nouveau Fantasy, I Floral Monogram"

Aquarelle sur Papier | 11,4x8,3 in

217 $US
Peinture intitulée "Scales of emotions" par Natalja Surikova, Œuvre d'art originale, Encre Monté sur Carton
Scales of emotions - Peinture, 27,6x19,7 in ©2022 par Natalja Surikova - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Fleur, abstract, art, artistic, background, beautiful, bouquet, bright, canvas, colors, concept, crystal, design, display, elegance, floral, flower, glowing, graphic, illustration, nature

Natalja Surikova

"Scales of emotions"

Encre sur Panneau synthétique | 27,6x19,7 in

403,17 $US
Impressions disponibles
Peinture intitulée "fantasy" par Yulia Sheverova, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile
fantasy - Peinture, 14,2x11 in ©2023 par Yulia Sheverova - Figurative, figurative-594, Fleur, fantasy flowers, flowers, delicate flowers, softness, pink flowers, fantasy, gentle, gift for woman, ornamental plants

Yulia Sheverova


Huile sur Toile | 14,2x11 in

245,28 $US
239,73 $US
Impressions disponibles
Peinture intitulée "Letter I, Medieval…" par Ekaterina Andreeva, Œuvre d'art originale, Aquarelle
Letter I, Medieval Fantasy, I Floral Monogram, Jewelry Initi - Peinture, 4,3x3,2 in ©2022 par Ekaterina Andreeva - Calligraphy, calligraphy-210, Fleur, Letter I, monogram, medieval initial, alphabet, choir book, book lover, manuscript, pearl, Blue, Green, Gold, magic flower, Alberto Sangorski, Shakespeare's sonnets

Ekaterina Andreeva

"Letter I, Medieval Fantasy, I Floral Monogram, Jewelry Initi"

Aquarelle sur Papier | 4,3x3,2 in

237 $US


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