Tulipes (2018) 绘画 由 Florence Oulhiou

丙烯在帆布上, 19.7x19.7 in

发货地: 荷兰 | 在2天
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  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 绘画, 丙烯 在帆布上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 19.7in, 宽度 19.7in
  • 是否含画框 此作品未装裱
  • 分类 画作 低于US$1,000 形象艺术
Hommage à la tulipe, fleur emblématique de mon pays d'adoption. Les fragiles corolles se dressent, éphémères, sur leur tige altière dans une profusion de rouges. Les variations du rose au pourpre, en passant par l'orangé donnent au motif sa force et une grande richesse. Malgré son port un peu raide, la tulipe est d'une grande fragilité.[...]
Hommage à la tulipe, fleur emblématique de mon pays d'adoption. Les fragiles corolles se dressent, éphémères, sur leur tige altière dans une profusion de rouges. Les variations du rose au pourpre, en passant par l'orangé donnent au motif sa force et une grande richesse. Malgré son port un peu raide, la tulipe est d'une grande fragilité. Elle s'épanouit et fane rapidement, nous rappelant dans sa modeste beauté, la brièveté de l'existence.

Les tranches sont peintes, si bien que la toile peut être accrochée sans encadrement. Cela convient bien au motif qu'on imagine aisément s'étendant à l'infini. Dans la cas contraire, il s'intègrera parfaitement dans une caisse américaine noire et or. Me contacter.



I was born in France.  Art was for a long time a hobby as long as I worked as teacher and school director. I completed a cursus at the "Ecole des Beaux Arts" in France, and working in atelier with my[...]

I was born in France.  Art was for a long time a hobby as long as I worked as teacher and school director. I completed a cursus at the "Ecole des Beaux Arts" in France, and working in atelier with my masters Marc Fonvieille then Isabelle Monferrier. I currently live and work in the  Netherland. I am now entirely dedicated to the creation of artworks.

My creation flourishes mainly in a colourful and decorative abstract painting. I try to bring a subtle and sophisticated feel to it through a unique balance of color, composition and texture. The result is a distinctive body of artwork that is original, surprising, and filled with joy, exuberance, and pleasure in the act of painting.

I recently discovered AI-assisted creation and it’s a new playground for me. I use generative art tools to explore new ways of expressing myself.
Art is powerful. Whether it’s traditional art or created in conjunction with artificial intelligence tools, as long as it makes sense to someone, it’s Art.

Since 2015 several of my paintings were exhibited in France and in the Netherland.
Private collections : France - Germany - the Netherlands - Gabon - USA

International Exhibitions and Recognitions

- UN Volunteers Certificate of Honor (2024)
Recognition for honorable service as artist with the 34 Gallery and UN Volunteers.

-my work "Beauty Beyond Battles" have been selected for the FCancer2024 Charity Auction. (July, 2024)
- Odyssey Global Media - Global Grassroots Art Event (July 2024)
My artwork was showcased in the international digital exhibition
- Simuka Africa - Open Call Winner (July, 2024)
One of my creations was selected to promote global mental health on behalf of UNV.org and SimukaAfrica.org.
- Optimus Awards - Winner (July, 2024)
Artwork: "The Feline Mona Lisa" by Florence Oulhiou.
- Ascend from Within & HUG (June 2024)
My work "Eternal Gaze" was selected in the spiritual art category.
- Autism Awareness Month (May 2024) -
My creation "Different, not less" was awarded.
- Fluence’s “Conceptualize the Fluence Mascot” Open Call powered by HUG (March 2024)
3rd Place and prize of $150.
- HUG SDG 3.4 Creative Arts Project for Mental Health Awareness (March 2024)
Submission "Distress" selected in the project launched by SimukaAfrica.org and supported by the United Nations Volunteer Program.
- AI Art Exhibition in Space by $Turbo Space (March,2024)
The piece "Infinite Universe" was launched in an unprecedented AI Art Exhibition in space.

查看更多的Florence Oulhiou

丙烯在帆布上 | 11.8x11.8 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 31.5x31.5 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 27.6x19.7 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 19.7x39.4 in

