harvest (2021) 디지털 아트 Евгений Кулешов

프린트 구매

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아티스트는 판매할 때마다 로열티를 받습니다

판매자 Евгений Кулешов

디지털 라이선스

이 이미지는 라이선스로 다운로드할 수 있습니다.

최대 해상도: 3281 x 3238 px
구매 즉시 다운로드
아티스트는 판매할 때마다 로열티를 받습니다

판매자 Евгений Кулешов

  • 이 작품은 "오픈 에디션"입니다 디지털 아트, 지클레 프린트 / 디지털 인쇄
  • 치수 여러 크기 사용 가능
  • 여러 지원 가능 (미술용지, 메탈 프린트, 캔버스 프린트)
  • 프레이밍 프레임 사용 가능 (플로팅 프레임 + 유리 아래, 프레임 + 아크릴 유리 아래)
  • 카테고리 추상 미술 밀교
In the center of the picture is the zodiac sign of Pisces, as one of the phallic symbols of fertility, sexual harmony, good luck in many religious cults. He divides the picture into 2 halves, 2 dishes of abundance filled with the gifts of autumn, which is emphasized by the colors of fading nature. The main colors are red, ocher, orange, sand, the color[...]
In the center of the picture is the zodiac sign of Pisces, as one of the phallic symbols of fertility, sexual harmony, good luck in many religious cults. He divides the picture into 2 halves, 2 dishes of abundance filled with the gifts of autumn, which is emphasized by the colors of fading nature. The main colors are red, ocher, orange, sand, the color of withering leaves and the blue of the autumn sky. This is the harvest, the smoke from the fires in the fields, where the remains of dead plants are removed, a magnificent feast before the long winter sleep of nature. In the center of the picture, the artist makes a curtsy to the abstractionists of the last century. With the help of color patterns, the artist allows the viewer to experience new sensations, feelings, moods conveyed by simple forms and colors. Whether they are pleasant or not - it does not matter, the important thing is the interaction between the person and the picture that stimulates fantasy, allowing you to direct your gaze to a deep study of ourselves. This is a picture - a charade in which separate fragments add up to a whole story.

관련 테마


자동 번역
Кулешов Евгений Александрович (02.03.1987г. по н.в.)     Республика Карелия.      국적: [...]

Кулешов Евгений Александрович (02.03.1987г. по н.в.)    

Республика Карелия.     

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