Obras de arte originales de trenes a la venta

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Dibujo titulada "train Vintage colle…" por Syed Akheel, Obra de arte original, Tinta
train Vintage collection - Dibujo, 11x14 in ©2015 por Syed Akheel - Classicism, classicism-933, Tren, TRAIN

Syed Akheel

"train Vintage collection"

Tinta en Papel | 11x14 in

Pintura titulada "Back to the Future" por Anna Shuvaeva, Obra de arte original, Acrílico Montado en Bastidor de camilla de m…
Back to the Future - Pintura, 19,7x15,8 in ©2019 por Anna Shuvaeva - Figurative, figurative-594, Tren, паровоз, ретро, смешанная техника, необычная техника, Рельефная техника, текстурная картина-панно, фактурная живопись, фактурная картина, поезд, скорость, движение, монохром, тёмные цвета, брутальный стиль, мужская картина, прошлое время, ретро стиль, холодные оттенки, синие оттенки, дым

Anna Shuvaeva

"Back to the Future"

Acrílico en Lienzo De Lino | 19,7x15,8 in

Pintura titulada "Cityscape with Tram" por Narek, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de madera
Cityscape with Tram - Pintura, 7,9x11,8 in ©2024 por Narek - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Tren, streetcar painting, red tram, tram painting, Street scene, City Movement, Armenian art, impressionistic tram, urban life, urban art, textured cityscape, city streets, modern cityscape, impressionistic cityscape, home decor, Cityscape oil painting, Yerevan scene, Urban street art, City life, Public transportation, everyday beauty


"Cityscape with Tram"

Oleo en Lienzo | 7,9x11,8 in

Bajo pedido
Pintura titulada "East Express Murder" por Viktoriia Gaman, Obra de arte original, Acuarela
East Express Murder - Pintura, 11x15 in ©2018 por Viktoriia Gaman - Illustration, illustration-600, Tren, Winter, book illustration, cold, detective, express, frost, illustration, man, mustache, retro, snow, train, watercolor, watercolor illustration

Viktoriia Gaman

"East Express Murder"

Acuarela en Papel | 11x15 in

758 US$
598 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "Orient Express at n…" por Viktoriia Gaman, Obra de arte original, Acuarela
Orient Express at night. - Pintura, 11x15 in ©2018 por Viktoriia Gaman - Illustration, illustration-600, Tren, Red, beautiful, cars, clouds, drama, dramatic plot, dromatic, glow, history, illustration, landscape, lantern, lights, mode of travel, mountains, movement, oriental express, painting, picture, pink

Viktoriia Gaman

"Orient Express at night."

Acuarela en Papel | 11x15 in

Impresiones desde 123,32 US$
Pintura titulada "Cityscape Journey" por Elina Kharitonova, Obra de arte original, Acrílico Montado en Bastidor de camilla d…
Cityscape Journey - Pintura, 40x53 in ©2015 por Elina Kharitonova - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Tren, train, cityscape, colorful buildings, traveling, city, buildings, colorful

Elina Kharitonova

"Cityscape Journey"

Acrílico en Lienzo | 40x53 in

3.839 US$
Fotografía titulada "Le bus - photograph…" por Guylaine Bisson (GuyL'ART), Obra de arte original, Fotografía digital
Le bus - photographie INDE DU SUD - Fotografía ©2014 por Guylaine Bisson (GuyL'ART) - Figurative, figurative-594, Tren, bus, car, transport, vétusté, hommes, solitude, moyen de transport, indien, Inde, Inde du Sud, voyage, photo reportage, reportage

Guylaine Bisson (GuyL'ART)

"Le bus - photographie INDE DU SUD"

Fotografía | Varios tamaños

Pintura titulada "Nostalgia of Steam…" por Kishore Pratim Biswas, Obra de arte original, Acrílico
Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives_45 - Pintura, 36x60 in ©2018 por Kishore Pratim Biswas - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Tren, India, Indian rail, indian contemporary artist, Indian art, nostalgia, locomotives, steam engine

Kishore Pratim Biswas

"Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives_45"

Acrílico en Lienzo | 36x60 in

Arte digital titulada "Le Jouet Oublié" por Jean-Marie Gitard (Mr STRANGE), Obra de arte original, Foto-montaje Montado en B…
Le Jouet Oublié - Arte digital, 29,5x39,4 in ©2019 por Jean-Marie Gitard (Mr STRANGE) - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Tren, wagon, lune, fusée

Jean-Marie Gitard (Mr STRANGE)

"Le Jouet Oublié"

Arte digital | 29,5x39,4 in

224,8 US$
Arte digital titulada "Behind Hell hides H…" por Jean-Marie Gitard (Mr STRANGE), Obra de arte original, Collages digitales
Behind Hell hides Heaven - Arte digital, 19,7x27,6 in ©2018 por Jean-Marie Gitard (Mr STRANGE) - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Tren, camps de concentration, froid, neige, aigles, wagon, enfant dénudé

Jean-Marie Gitard (Mr STRANGE)

"Behind Hell hides Heaven"

Arte digital | 19,7x27,6 in

224,8 US$
Pintura titulada "Nostalgia of Steam…" por Kishore Pratim Biswas, Obra de arte original, Acrílico
Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives_47 - Pintura, 36x60 in ©2018 por Kishore Pratim Biswas - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Tren, India, indian art, indian rail, nostalgia, kishore pratim biswas, steam locomotives, steam engine, Indian Steam Locomotives, Buy Indian paintings

Kishore Pratim Biswas

"Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives_47"

Acrílico en Lienzo | 36x60 in

2.254 US$
Pintura titulada "Grace in Thought" por Wilhem Von Kalisz, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de mad…
Grace in Thought - Pintura, 19,7x27,6 in ©2023 por Wilhem Von Kalisz - Figurative, figurative-594, Tren, woman, pop art, james bond, mcginnis

Wilhem Von Kalisz

"Grace in Thought"

Oleo en Lienzo | 19,7x27,6 in

Impresiones desde 39,21 US$
Arte digital titulada "TRAIN 876530" por Jean-Marie Gitard (Mr STRANGE), Obra de arte original, Foto-montaje Montado en Bast…
TRAIN 876530 - Arte digital, 29,5x39,4 in ©2019 por Jean-Marie Gitard (Mr STRANGE) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Tren, train, passagers, fenêtres

Jean-Marie Gitard (Mr STRANGE)

"TRAIN 876530"

Arte digital | 29,5x39,4 in

224,8 US$


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