Dibujos de fantasía oscura para la venta

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Dibujo titulada "Will You" por Amathauntacreator, Obra de arte original, Lápiz
Will You - Dibujo, 11x8,5 in ©2021 por Amathauntacreator - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Dark-Fantasy, AmathauntaCreator, catlikefemale, transhuman, posthuman, futurelife


"Will You"

Lápiz en Papel | 11x8,5 in

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Dibujo titulada "They’re coming" por Tawnie Martinez (Earthjem), Obra de arte original, Bolígrafo Montado en Bastidor de cam…
They’re coming - Dibujo, 11,5x8,5 in ©2018 por Tawnie Martinez (Earthjem) - Illustration, illustration-600, Dark-Fantasy, zombie, gothic, blackandwhite, monochromatic, zombieillustration, darkfantasy

Tawnie Martinez (Earthjem)

"They’re coming"

Bolígrafo en Papel | 11,5x8,5 in

188 US$
Dibujo titulada "Deepest fear" por Heba Saleh Mendelson, Obra de arte original, Tinta Montado en Cartulina
Deepest fear - Dibujo, 11,4x8,3 in ©2016 por Heba Saleh Mendelson - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Dark-Fantasy, ink, ink illustration, dark art, fantasy, surreal, surrealism, engraving style, hatching, blackwork, black and white, expressive, ink on paper

Heba Saleh Mendelson

"Deepest fear"

Tinta en Papel | 11,4x8,3 in

260,81 US$
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Dibujo titulada "The fisherman had a…" por Ihor Miroshnycnenko (Miro), Obra de arte original, Tinta
The fisherman had a nightmare. - Dibujo, 12,6x9,5 in ©2022 por Ihor Miroshnycnenko (Miro) - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Dark-Fantasy, fisherman, fish, nightmare, absurd, horror, cartoon fun, cartoon funny, cartoon style, comic graphic, comic style, binge, alcohol

Ihor Miroshnycnenko (Miro)

"The fisherman had a nightmare."

Tinta en Papel | 12,6x9,5 in

624,57 US$
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Dibujo titulada "Hell 3" por Edwin Loftus, Obra de arte original, Pastel
Hell 3 - Dibujo, 14x11 in ©2023 por Edwin Loftus - Illustration, illustration-600, Dark-Fantasy, Hell, Hades, damned, demons, souls, purgatory, Learning

Edwin Loftus

"Hell 3"

Pastel en Papel | 14x11 in

1.280 US$
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Dibujo titulada "On a Dark Ride" por Edwin Loftus, Obra de arte original, Pastel
On a Dark Ride - Dibujo, 14x11 in ©2023 por Edwin Loftus - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Dark-Fantasy, dark rides, amusements, fairs, environmental artworks, major art

Edwin Loftus

"On a Dark Ride"

Pastel en Cartulina | 14x11 in

1.483 US$
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Dibujo titulada "Excuses" por Edwin Loftus, Obra de arte original, Pastel Montado en Otro panel rígido
Excuses - Dibujo, 12x9 in ©2016 por Edwin Loftus - Figurative, figurative-594, Dark-Fantasy, end of life, regret, excuse

Edwin Loftus


Pastel en Papel | 12x9 in

953 US$
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Dibujo titulada "Moonlight Sonata -…" por Maria Shedrina, Obra de arte original, Tinta
Moonlight Sonata - unusual b/w graphic landscape - Dibujo, 26,8x18,9 in ©2021 por Maria Shedrina - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Dark-Fantasy, moon, music, magic, tree, orange, black, texture, river, unusual, mix, contemporary, fantasy

Maria Shedrina

"Moonlight Sonata - unusual b/w graphic landscape"

Tinta en Papel | 26,8x18,9 in

449,29 US$
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Dibujo titulada "The energy within" por Konstantin Lakstigal, Obra de arte original, Tinta
The energy within - Dibujo, 11,4x8,5 in ©2023 por Konstantin Lakstigal - Illustration, illustration-600, Dark-Fantasy, fantasy, hand, arm, flowers, contemporary italian artist, contemporary drawing, italian drawing, nature, black and white, figurative

Konstantin Lakstigal

"The energy within"

Tinta en Papel | 11,4x8,5 in

295,09 US$
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Dibujo titulada "Beset by Ghosts" por Edwin Loftus, Obra de arte original, Pastel Montado en Otro panel rígido
Beset by Ghosts - Dibujo, 7x7 in ©2014 por Edwin Loftus - Illustration, illustration-600, Dark-Fantasy, ghosts, terror, spooky

Edwin Loftus

"Beset by Ghosts"

Pastel en Papel | 7x7 in

496 US$
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Dibujo titulada "From my darkness a…" por Maurizio Puglisi, Obra de arte original, Acrílico
From my darkness a light was born that lightened my way - Dibujo, 18,9x13 in ©2020 por Maurizio Puglisi - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Dark-Fantasy, tiger, drawing, ink, scribbles, nature, creative, artcollector, abstract, wildlife

Maurizio Puglisi

"From my darkness a light was born that lightened my way"

Acrílico en Papel | 18,9x13 in

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Dibujo titulada "mother" por Zoran Kostic, Obra de arte original, Grafito
mother - Dibujo, 19,7x13,8 in ©2009 por Zoran Kostic - Figurative, figurative-594, Dark-Fantasy, drawing

Zoran Kostic


Grafito en Papel | 19,7x13,8 in

173,06 US$
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Dibujo titulada "The man on the stre…" por Huixi Yu, Obra de arte original, Acrílico
The man on the street is me - Dibujo, 23,6x19,7 in ©2023 por Huixi Yu - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Dark-Fantasy, 黑色, 男人,, 落魄, 繁华都市, 骄傲, 保留,, 表现, 蒙克, 埃因霍温, 自画像

Huixi Yu

"The man on the street is me"

Acrílico en Lienzo De Lino | 23,6x19,7 in

1.940 US$
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Dibujo titulada "Ворон ворону глаз н…" por Garik Kuba, Obra de arte original, Lápiz
Ворон ворону глаз не выклюет - Dibujo, 15,8x11,8 in ©2021 por Garik Kuba - Figurative, figurative-594, Dark-Fantasy, ВОРОН, грачи, графика, карандаш, картон

Garik Kuba

"Ворон ворону глаз не выклюет"

Lápiz en Papel | 15,8x11,8 in

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Dibujo titulada "Circus Governmento" por Lenka Urbanikova, Obra de arte original, Acrílico
Circus Governmento - Dibujo, 11,4x16,1 in ©2024 por Lenka Urbanikova - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Dark-Fantasy, clown, circus, politics, parrot, ghost, balloon, rubber ducks, cartoon, pop art, government, metaphor

Lenka Urbanikova

"Circus Governmento"

Acrílico en Lienzo | 11,4x16,1 in

231,52 US$
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Dibujo titulada "Zombies, drawing on…" por Nikolay Starostenko, Obra de arte original, Rotulador
Zombies, drawing on paper - Dibujo, 7,5x5,1 in ©2021 por Nikolay Starostenko - Abstract, abstract-570, Dark-Fantasy, drawing, black and white, dark art, zombie, line, drawing on paper, shadow, dark figure, art on pape, contemporary drawing, Nikolay Starostenko, figurative drawing, modern drawing, Wall art, Fine art, Abstract figure

Nikolay Starostenko

"Zombies, drawing on paper"

Rotulador en Papel | 7,5x5,1 in

167 US$
148 US$
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Dibujo titulada "The Melancholy Assa…" por Wilf Tilley, Obra de arte original, Grafito
The Melancholy Assassin - Dibujo, 11,8x7,9 in ©1986 por Wilf Tilley - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Dark-Fantasy, Assassin, Graphite Drawing, Wilf Tilley, Sutton Collection, Urs Graf

Wilf Tilley

"The Melancholy Assassin"

Grafito en Papel | 11,8x7,9 in

No está en venta Impresiones desde 53,92 US$
Dibujo titulada "Ninety-nine Minutes…" por Wilf Tilley, Obra de arte original, Grafito
Ninety-nine Minutes On Mino Washi: The Suicide Ideator - Dibujo, 13,2x9,7 in ©1977 por Wilf Tilley - Illustration, illustration-600, Dark-Fantasy, Wilf Tilley, Ninety-nine Minute, Mino Washi, Graphite Drawings, Japan, Tokyo, Japanese Artists

Wilf Tilley

"Ninety-nine Minutes On Mino Washi: The Suicide Ideator"

Grafito en Papel | 13,2x9,7 in

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Dibujo titulada "Succubus 2" por Edwin Loftus, Obra de arte original, Pastel Montado en Otro panel rígido
Succubus 2 - Dibujo, 7x7 in ©2016 por Edwin Loftus - Figurative, figurative-594, Dark-Fantasy, succubus, victim, vitality thief

Edwin Loftus

"Succubus 2"

Pastel en Papel | 7x7 in

846 US$
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Dibujo titulada "Where is the Plan?" por Koola Adams, Obra de arte original, Tinta
Where is the Plan? - Dibujo, 16,5x11,6 in ©2022 por Koola Adams - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Dark-Fantasy, Surreal Art, Political Art, Gothic Art, Graphic Art, Original Drawing, Original Artwork, Unique Drawing, Office Art, Surreal Drawing

Koola Adams

"Where is the Plan?"

Tinta en Papel | 16,5x11,6 in

342,21 US$
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Dibujo titulada "Gorgon Medusa." por Iana Cherepanska, Obra de arte original, Tinta
Gorgon Medusa. - Dibujo, 7,1x5,1 in ©2022 por Iana Cherepanska - Figurative, figurative-594, Dark-Fantasy, feminism, small artwork, portrait, myth, mistic art, strong woman, women art

Iana Cherepanska

"Gorgon Medusa."

Tinta en Papel | 7,1x5,1 in

492 US$
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Dibujo titulada "The day he died the…" por Alberto Thirion, Obra de arte original, Otro
The day he died the devil.(1) - Dibujo, 17,3x12,4 in ©2006 por Alberto Thirion - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Dark-Fantasy, soul, heart, center, carries, landscape, fame, famous, most famous painting, most famous works, Latin, world, christianity, evil, good, god, devil, southwest art, southwest artist, southwest artists, santa fe

Alberto Thirion

"The day he died the devil.(1)"

Dibujo en Papel | 17,3x12,4 in

5.000 US$
Dibujo titulada "Witch-king of Angmar" por John Thomas, Obra de arte original, Carbón
Witch-king of Angmar - Dibujo, 31,5x19,7 in ©2024 por John Thomas - Figurative, figurative-594, Dark-Fantasy, charcoal, witch king, Angmar, lotr, lord of the rings, portrait, graphite, hobbit, gandalf

John Thomas

"Witch-king of Angmar"

Carbón en Papel | 31,5x19,7 in

1.152 US$
Dibujo titulada "Qui entendra son cr…" por Richard Raveen Chester, Obra de arte original, Trabajo Digital 2D
Qui entendra son cri? - Dibujo, 14,8x11,8 in ©2020 por Richard Raveen Chester - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Dark-Fantasy, experience, parler, bruit, implorer, émotion, dérive, sensation, plaidoyer, hurler, plainte, appel, direction, sons, volatile, sentiments, crier, immobilités silencieux, pleurer

Richard Raveen Chester

"Qui entendra son cri?"

Trabajo Digital 2D en Papel | 14,8x11,8 in

1.320,13 US$
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Dibujo titulada "Energy" por Konstantin Lakstigal, Obra de arte original, Tinta
Energy - Dibujo, 11x8,3 in ©2023 por Konstantin Lakstigal - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Dark-Fantasy, flowers, hand, hands, arms, leafs, nature, plants, cintemporary italian drawing, contemporary italian artist

Konstantin Lakstigal


Tinta en Papel | 11x8,3 in

239,62 US$
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Dibujo titulada "Mafia till death" por Nisa Annabani, Obra de arte original, Bolígrafo
Mafia till death - Dibujo ©2022 por Nisa Annabani - Illustration, illustration-600, Dark-Fantasy, mafia

Nisa Annabani

"Mafia till death"


Dibujo titulada "Where the Moon rise…" por Maria Shedrina, Obra de arte original, Tinta
Where the Moon rises... - Dibujo, 16,5x11,8 in ©2020 por Maria Shedrina - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Dark-Fantasy, moon, woman, witch, fantasy, beautiful, magic, blue, night, tree, comet, cosmos, unusual, contemporary

Maria Shedrina

"Where the Moon rises..."

Tinta en Papel | 16,5x11,8 in

427,1 US$
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Dibujo titulada "Things that Make So…" por Edwin Loftus, Obra de arte original, Pastel
Things that Make Sounds in the Night in the Forest - Dibujo, 6x8 in ©2022 por Edwin Loftus - Figurative, figurative-594, Dark-Fantasy, forest, disappearances, mysteries, censorship

Edwin Loftus

"Things that Make Sounds in the Night in the Forest"

Pastel en Papel | 6x8 in

863 US$
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Dibujo titulada "ONLY FORWARD - GRAP…" por Ekaterina Kosyak, Obra de arte original, Pluma de gel
ONLY FORWARD - GRAPHIC PAINTING - Dibujo, 15,8x9,8 in ©2019 por Ekaterina Kosyak - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Dark-Fantasy, night, full moon, autumn, purposeful woman, flying raven, hair in the wind, favorable wind, coat, silver moon, jeans, hurry, pen art, nuit, pleine lune, automne, corbeau volant, manteau, lune argentée, dépêche toi, vent

Ekaterina Kosyak


Pluma de gel en Papel | 15,8x9,8 in

629 US$
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Dibujo titulada "Your flowers" por Konstantin Lakstigal, Obra de arte original, Tinta
Your flowers - Dibujo, 11,6x8,3 in ©2023 por Konstantin Lakstigal - Illustration, illustration-600, Dark-Fantasy, flowers, contemporary italian artist, contemporary italian drawing, nature, hand, arm, person, black and white, figurative, people, human, human and nature, philosophy

Konstantin Lakstigal

"Your flowers"

Tinta en Papel | 11,6x8,3 in

295,09 US$
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Dibujo titulada "Atomic Tangerine Tw…" por Aarron Laidig, Obra de arte original, Acuarela
Atomic Tangerine Twist - Dibujo, 12x9 in ©2016 por Aarron Laidig - Illustration, illustration-600, Dark-Fantasy, fantasy land, dance through hell, tornado, twist of fate, surreal distopia

Aarron Laidig

"Atomic Tangerine Twist"

Acuarela en Papel | 12x9 in

No está en venta Impresiones desde 30,93 US$
Dibujo titulada "Masked Gatherer" por Diviciac, Obra de arte original, Tinta
Masked Gatherer - Dibujo, 16,5x11,7 in ©2022 por Diviciac - Illustration, illustration-600, Dark-Fantasy


"Masked Gatherer"

Tinta en Papel | 16,5x11,7 in

No está en venta Impresiones desde 26,10 US$
Dibujo titulada "artist book Sketch…" por Raphael Perez, Obra de arte original, Tinta
artist book Sketch books Individual artist israeli painters - Dibujo ©2018 por Raphael Perez - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Dark-Fantasy, drawings, drawing, raphael perez drawing, raphael perez drawings, raphael perez, raphael perez artist, raphael perez painter, rapahel perez draw, raphael perez artist book, artist book, artist books, artists books, artists book, raphael perez diary, books drary, diaries, books diaries, book diary, artist diary, artists diary

Raphael Perez

"artist book Sketch books Individual artist israeli painters"

Tinta en Papel

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