Obras originales de textiles para la venta

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Arte textil titulada "TYRANT" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Tapiz Montado en Panel de madera
TYRANT - Arte textil, 57x32 in ©2023 por Kostyantin Malginov - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Pescado, art textile, fish, sea, ream, ocean, blue, gold, design, home decor, home design, tapesty

Kostyantin Malginov


Arte textil en Lienzo | 57x32 in

4.858,37 US$
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Arte textil titulada "Pink carp 2" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Tapiz Montado en Panel de madera
Pink carp 2 - Arte textil, 58x32 in ©2022 por Kostyantin Malginov - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Pescado, new art, art new, carp, textiles, home decor, decor, fish, tapesty, wall decor, drawing, flowers, ornament, landscape, art

Kostyantin Malginov

"Pink carp 2"

Arte textil en Lienzo | 58x32 in

3.884,58 US$
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Arte textil titulada "On the hook" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Hilorama
On the hook - Arte textil, 55x32 in ©2022 por Kostyantin Malginov - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Pescado, fishing gear, art positive emotions, art restaurant, fisherman, fisherman with a fishing rod, sea fish, pearl color, daring, tuna, perch, ornament, home decor, sea fishing, lines, pattern, sea waves, the waves, silver black, bronze, white

Kostyantin Malginov

"On the hook"

Arte textil en Lienzo | 55x32 in

4.097,31 US$
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Arte textil titulada "The cycle of events" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Tapiz
The cycle of events - Arte textil, 51x32 in ©2022 por Kostyantin Malginov - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Pescado, home decor, minimalism, birds, wall decor, minimalist, gifts, new, fish, silk, pelican, bird's beak, bird feathers, bright fish, orange, light silver, perch, shark, smart art, a rare artist, rare style

Kostyantin Malginov

"The cycle of events"

Arte textil en Lienzo | 51x32 in

3.333,61 US$
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Arte textil titulada "I was at the bottom" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Tapiz Montado en Panel de madera
I was at the bottom - Arte textil, 56x32 in ©2022 por Kostyantin Malginov - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Pescado, decr, art decor, tapesty, wall art, interior desing, textile art, fish, portrait, gallery, wall decor, art desing, silk, water

Kostyantin Malginov

"I was at the bottom"

Arte textil en Lienzo | 56x32 in

4.539,94 US$
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Arte textil titulada "King of the Ocean" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Tapiz Montado en Panel de madera
King of the Ocean - Arte textil, 58x33 in ©2022 por Kostyantin Malginov - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Pescado, tapesty, art desing, decor, textile, art decor, gold, red, gren, color, blue, fish, okean, mar

Kostyantin Malginov

"King of the Ocean"

Arte textil en Lienzo | 58x33 in

4.302,11 US$
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Arte textil titulada "Goldfish" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Tapiz
Goldfish - Arte textil, 55x33 in ©2021 por Kostyantin Malginov - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Pescado, aquarium, fish in the water, pink, roses, roses are beautiful, rainbow, fins, three-dimensional image, big fish, friends, platinum, embroidery, an interesting artist, rare style, fabulous, popular artist, new artist, silk, goldfish, gold

Kostyantin Malginov


Arte textil en Lienzo | 55x33 in

3.986,32 US$
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Arte textil titulada "Favorite Portuguese…" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Hilorama Montado en Panel de mad…
Favorite Portuguese sardines - Arte textil, 54x32,5 in ©2022 por Kostyantin Malginov - Classicism, classicism-933, Pescado, sardines, tapesty, Portugal, hand made, wall decor, interior decor, wall art, sea, ocean, Bridge, night, village, rare style, silk, new art, new direction art, architecture, near the sea, sea sunset, blue

Kostyantin Malginov

"Favorite Portuguese sardines"

Arte textil en Lienzo | 54x32,5 in

3.585,97 US$
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Arte textil titulada "Morning promenade" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Tapiz Montado en Panel de madera
Morning promenade - Arte textil, 57x32 in ©2022 por Kostyantin Malginov - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Pescado, art textile, decor, tapesty, interior decor, textile decor, wall art, hand made, interior desing, textile art, fider art, wall decor, wall tapesty, hand weaving, art desing, bedroom decor, decor in the living room, decor in the room, wall mounted, fish, gold

Kostyantin Malginov

"Morning promenade"

Arte textil en Lienzo | 57x32 in

4.621,86 US$
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Arte textil titulada "Closer to the light" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Tapiz Montado en Panel de madera
Closer to the light - Arte textil, 51x31 in ©2021 por Kostyantin Malginov - Classicism, classicism-933, Pescado, interior decor, tapesty, wall art, hand made, interior desing, wall decor, wall tapesty, art design, lamp light, sea, ocean, fish, amazing art, silk, fish with caviar, textile

Kostyantin Malginov

"Closer to the light"

Arte textil en Lienzo | 51x31 in

4.880,83 US$
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Arte textil titulada "At depth" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Hilorama Montado en Panel de madera
At depth - Arte textil, 56x33 in ©2021 por Kostyantin Malginov - Classicism, classicism-933, Pescado, wall decor, ocean, sea, marine fish, yellow, silk, fisherman, fishing, red fish, excellent performance, unusual, water, leaves, river, creek, marine networks, corals, bright red, pearl, twisted paper

Kostyantin Malginov

"At depth"

Arte textil en Lienzo | 56x33 in

4.621,86 US$
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Arte textil titulada "Golden fish" por Valentina Pushkareva, Obra de arte original, Acrílico Montado en Otro panel rígido
Golden fish - Arte textil, 11,8x11,8 in ©2018 por Valentina Pushkareva - Figurative, figurative-594, Pescado, batik, fish, hot batik, green, blue, fishes, sea, love, round, golden, dinner, dinning room, batik modern, batik solo, balik, wave, flower

Valentina Pushkareva

"Golden fish"

Arte textil en Tela | 11,8x11,8 in

610,14 US$


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