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Art History
Children in art
Jul 17, 2022
7 minutes read
Since the dawn of civilisation, children have represented an extremely popular artistic subject, capable of expressing joy, love and candour, within figurative narratives aimed at illustrating not only the attitudes and psychological characteristics of the little protagonists, but also the customs and traditions of their families, as well as the different approaches to the world of childhood that have characterised the different eras...
Art History
Wassily Kandinsky
Apr 19, 2023
11 minutes read
Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) was a Russian painter, art theorist, and one of the pioneers of abstract art. Kandinsky's belief that art should be free from representational constraints and his use of color and form to express emotions and ideas in their own right have made him an influential figure in modern art.
Art History
The color blue: a successful classic
Apr 6, 2022
6 minutes read
The color blue, in its different and most popular shades, such as Egyptian blue, ultramarine blue, cobalt blue, cerulean blue, Prussian blue and International Klein Blue, has been the protagonist of different eras, in which timeless masterpieces have been generated, extending from the Egyptian world to contemporary art...
Art History
What's the color for 2024?
Jan 2, 2024
8 minutes read
Before revealing the color of the year clearly, I'll provide you with some clues that will gradually lead us to the shade chosen as the 2024 Pantone color. To begin in this direction, there is a fruit that can introduce us to the hue chosen by this American company, and that is the peach, whose juicy nectar has also inspired great masterpieces in the history of art by masters such as....
Art History
MOMA Masterpieces: Contemporary Interpretations
Feb 23, 2022
7 minutes read
The iconic institution of New York's MOMA is home to such timeless works of art as Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night, Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans and Jasper Johns' Flag. Such masterpieces continue to be a source of inspiration for contemporary artists around the world, who have re-interpreted them into original, modern, current and sometimes ironic pieces of art...


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