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Art History
Pollock's dripping in the artworks of Artmajeur's artists
Nov 19, 2021
6 minutes read
Action Painting, an artistic form of Abstract Expressionism, has valued for the first time in the history of art the phase of creation of the works, that is, the creative act.  The latter is highlighted because it represents the pure expression of the artist's psyche, emotions and vital energies. The "dripping" is a painting technique very dear to the Action Paintig, that Jackson Pollock did not invent, but perfected...
Art History
David Bailey
Jul 4, 2023
10 minutes read
David Bailey is a renowned British fashion and portrait photographer, best known for his iconic work in the 1960s and 1970s, capturing the essence of the Swinging London era and photographing numerous celebrities and models. He became one of the most influential photographers of his time, leaving a lasting impact on the fashion and photography industries.
Art History
Anthropomorphism in art
Sep 4, 2022
7 minutes read
Anthropomorphism in art, as anticipated, has a rich and ancient tradition, in fact, among the earliest examples of anthropomorphic figures we find the Löwenmensch ivory statuette, which, dating back to the Upper Paleolithic, that is, approximately 32,000 years ago, depicts a human sculpture having the head of a lion...
Art History
The Art and Tradition of Tanabata
May 21, 2024
7 minutes read
Tanabata, or the Star Festival, celebrates the annual meeting of deities Orihime and Hikoboshi, marked by vibrant traditions and artistic expressions across Japan. Originating from the Chinese Qixi Festival, Tanabata involves writing wishes on colorful tanzaku paper strips and displaying them on bamboo branches. The festival features major celebrations, including the renowned Sendai Tanabata Festival, highlighting its enduring cultural significance.
Art History
MOMA Masterpieces: Contemporary Interpretations
Feb 23, 2022
7 minutes read
The iconic institution of New York's MOMA is home to such timeless works of art as Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night, Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans and Jasper Johns' Flag. Such masterpieces continue to be a source of inspiration for contemporary artists around the world, who have re-interpreted them into original, modern, current and sometimes ironic pieces of art...
Art History
Dado: An Artist of the Imagination and Violence
Jul 2, 2024
9 minutes read
Dado, a Montenegrin artist naturalized French, left his mark on contemporary art with his eclectic style mixing surrealism, art brut and free figuration, exploring themes of violence, monstrosity and imagination. His work, widely exhibited and criticized, continues to influence contemporary artists and fascinate the public with its emotional intensity and originality.
Art History
All You Need to Know About Georgia O'Keeffe
Dec 17, 2021
8 minutes read
Fascinating, free and inspiring, she’s the most photographed woman artist in the world: she has turned her lifestyle into a complete work of art, from her behavior to her dress style, including the design of her resorts. With Georgia O'Keeffe, nothing is left to chance: but why is she so important to the history of American art, and more broadly to the world? 


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