Photographs of guitars for sale

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Photography titled "Guitar 7c8b" by Ken Lerner, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Guitar 7c8b - Photography, 30x40 in ©2022 by Ken Lerner - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Guitar, music, guitar, electric guitar, jazz, blues, rock'n'roll, rock and roll, electric, lime green, chocolate brown, black, white, intense, magical, glowing, phosphorescent

Ken Lerner

"Guitar 7c8b"

Photography | 30x40 in

Photography titled "Guitar 7c11b" by Ken Lerner, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Guitar 7c11b - Photography, 30x40 in ©2022 by Ken Lerner - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Guitar, music, guitar, electric guitar, electric, jazz, blues, rock'n'roll, rock and roll, magical, intense, glowing, aqua, turquoise, black, white, musial instruments, the '70's, the 60's, the 80's

Ken Lerner

"Guitar 7c11b"

Photography | 30x40 in

Photography titled "Guitar 7c7b" by Ken Lerner, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Guitar 7c7b - Photography, 22.5x30 in ©2022 by Ken Lerner - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Guitar, guitar, electric guitar, rock 'n' roll, jazz, music, blues, night life, glowing, green, black, rock and roll, magic, phosphorescent, electric

Ken Lerner

"Guitar 7c7b"

Photography | 22.5x30 in



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