Photographs of fairy tales for sale

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Photography titled "The Sleeping Prince…" by Irina Nekliudova, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
The Sleeping Princess #01 - Photography, 29.5x19.7 in ©2021 by Irina Nekliudova - Figurative, figurative-594, Fairytale, russian fairy tales, the sleeping beauty, the sleeping princess, female beauty, young girl, conceptual art, green color, woman and nature, gold color, art for interior, interior decor, photo for interior, decor for interior, photo for the lobby, photo for th e livingroom, photo on the wall, photo for the bedroom, fashion photography, girl in forest, russian artists

Irina Nekliudova

"The Sleeping Princess #01"

Photography | 29.5x19.7 in

Photography titled "The swan princess #2" by Irina Nekliudova, Original Artwork, Non Manipulated Photography
The swan princess #2 - Photography, 19.7x29.5 in ©2021 by Irina Nekliudova - Figurative, figurative-594, Fairytale, photo on the wall, art for interior, decor for interior, interior decor, russian artist, color green, warm colors, photo for the lobby, photo for the livingroom, female, the swan princess, female beauty, female grace, woman and nature, artistic photography, russian fairy tales

Irina Nekliudova

"The swan princess #2"

Photography | 19.7x29.5 in

Photography titled "The swan princess #1" by Irina Nekliudova, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
The swan princess #1 - Photography, 19.7x29.5 in ©2021 by Irina Nekliudova - Figurative, figurative-594, Fairytale, fairy tale, russian art, art for interior, the swan princess, photo for interior, photo for the lobby, photo for the livingroom, decor for interior, interior decor, woman, ballet, female beauty, woman and nature, lake, artistic photography, color green, female grace

Irina Nekliudova

"The swan princess #1"

Photography | 19.7x29.5 in



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