Gothic paintings for sale

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Painting titled "La Bénédiction" by Lee Campbell, Original Artwork, Oil
La Bénédiction - Painting, 24x35.8 in ©2024 by Lee Campbell - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Gothic, angel, angelic blessing, frost, frosty landscape, willow tree, icy trees, blue trees, metallic pigments, silvery edges, oil painting, landscape with frost, apparition, heavenly, heavenly messenger, spiritual painting

Lee Campbell

"La Bénédiction"

Oil on Canvas | 24x35.8 in

Painting titled "MetaMorgosa_2. Godd…" by Katy Zinger, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
MetaMorgosa_2. Goddess of recycling. - Painting, 14.6x19.7 in ©2023 by Katy Zinger - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Gothic, goddess, recycling, upcycling, technology, fashion, gothic, woman, girl, sexy, medusa, gorgona, metamorphos

Katy Zinger

"MetaMorgosa_2. Goddess of recycling."

Digital Photography on Canvas | 14.6x19.7 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Dark Angel" by Irvin Grassi, Original Artwork, Collages Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
Dark Angel - Painting, 27.6x27.6 in ©2017 by Irvin Grassi - Abstract, abstract-570, Gothic

Irvin Grassi

"Dark Angel"

Collages on Linen Canvas | 27.6x27.6 in

Prints from $26.49
Painting titled "“Requiem. Messages…" by Alex Oliger, Original Artwork, Oil
“Requiem. Messages written on glasses of the broken windows” - Painting, 78.7x86.6 in ©2009 by Alex Oliger - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Gothic, philosophy, contemporary, letter, interior, decorative

Alex Oliger

"“Requiem. Messages written on glasses of the broken windows”"

Oil on Linen Canvas | 78.7x86.6 in

Painting titled "Alice C à la Casque…" by Florence H, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Alice C à la Casquette - Painting, 15.8x11.8 in ©2013 by Florence H - Figurative, figurative-594, Wood, Cotton, Canvas, Gothic, florence h, fille, femme, casquette, crâne, tête de mort, skull, punk, rock, tatouage, tatoos, pin-up, art naïf, art singulier, art brut, pop art, street art, gothique, burlesque, hard rock

Florence H

"Alice C à la Casquette"

Acrylic on Canvas | 15.8x11.8 in

Prints available
Painting titled "Mini Miss R'N'R en…" by Florence H, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Mini Miss R'N'R en jupette - Painting, 5.9x3.9 in ©2015 by Florence H - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Wood, Cotton, Canvas, Gothic, fille, femme, rock'n'roll, vintage, tête de mort, blonde, pin-up, rock a billy, pop art, street art, art singulier, art brut, art naïf, florence h, Occitanie, Montpellier, funky, disco, burlesque, rouge

Florence H

"Mini Miss R'N'R en jupette"

Acrylic on Canvas | 5.9x3.9 in

Prints available


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