AUTOUR DE SANTA FÉ (2015) Schilderij door Emmanuelle Vroelant

Acryl op Linnen canvas, 35x51,2 in
US$ 4.448,13
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Deze print is verkrijgbaar in verschillende maten.

US$ 26,97
US$ 46,39
US$ 100,34
Beoordelingen van klanten Uitstekend
Artiesten krijgen hun royalty's betaald voor elke verkoop

Verkoper Emmanuelle Vroelant

Digitale licentie

Deze afbeelding is beschikbaar als download met licentie

US$ 32,37
US$ 129,47
US$ 269,73
Max resolutie: 2191 x 1500 px
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Artiesten krijgen hun royalty's betaald voor elke verkoop

Verkoper Emmanuelle Vroelant

Eén werk
Kunstwerk ondertekend door de kunstenaar
Certificaat van echtheid inbegrepen
Dit kunstwerk verschijnt in 1 verzamelingen
Le désert autour de Santa Fé, ses vestiges, sable et turquoises. "acrylic, collage, modeling paste, oxydation" Over dit kunstwerk: Classificatie, Technieken & Stijlen Acryl [...]
Le désert autour de Santa Fé, ses vestiges, sable et turquoises.
"acrylic, collage, modeling paste, oxydation"

Verwante thema's

DésertSanta FéUsa

Automatisch vertaald
a family history marked by art and thwarted by life. Emmanuelle Vroelant was born into a family whose artistic aspirations were often frustrated by life. Her grandmother, who was born in[...]

a family history marked by art
and thwarted by life.
Emmanuelle Vroelant was born into a family whose artistic aspirations were often frustrated by life.
Her grandmother, who was born in 1900 and who walked across France twice during the two world wars, witnessed the first developments of photography.
She immediately took to this new means of expression, and developed her own photos. But being a married woman at the beginning of the 20th century prevented her from doing anything more than taking photos as a family hobby, which she regretted her whole life. She bought her last camera at the age of 99.

Emmanuelle’s father started out as a film producer, but he was forced to give this up at the outset of World War II, and then with 6 children to bring up he had to find a stable, lucrative job.
He could finally devote himself to his passion for art, especially for Michelangelo, when he retired, and he was fortunate enough to take part in the works of development in the Louvre'cinémathèque.
In spite of this, perhaps unconsciously in his mind, his oldest child had to have a stable, productive life. That is how Emmanuelle, being the oldest of the six children, was expected to pursue higher studies, classical dancing being her sole artistic outlet despite her artistic calling.

Emmanuelle graduated in psychology at the age of 23, and then, with her companion, went off to discover the world: the fierce pride of Afghanistan, the majesty of India, the sense of beauty in Japan, the tranquil strength of the Pacific…

After the birth of their first child, Laure Gwendolyn Seisma, conceived on the Third Sea on board Harold Stevens’ beautiful schooner, they set up home in Vanuatu. This is where Emmanuelle would find her own inspiration, in a calm, tranquil environment far from any outside influences or family burdens.

Her meeting with Juan Roderta, a former monk, winner of the Prix de Rome, who was also travelling around the world accompanied by the writer-journalist Alphonso Colondro, finally triggered a reaction.
These two men stayed with the couple and their child for several weeks during which time Juan Roderta did a great number of sketches and gouaches.

Thanks to him, Emmanuelle Vroelant became aware of her own urge to paint. Watercolours, being the sole material available in the only shop on the island of Santo, taught her how to be accurate with her first brush strokes, and she derived tremendous satisfaction at being able at last to express her hitherto hidden desire to paint.

But it soon became necessary to find a richer cultural environment, and the family set off for Europe where their second child, Erwan Siddhârta was born.
In 1981 Emmanuelle Vroelant opened her first workshop near Paris. After a few exhibitions, the Grand Palais exhibited her work in the Salon des Indépendants in 1985,86,87 and 88.
Once her reputation was made, she received many orders. Her first international exhibition opened in Abidjan und...

Bekijk meer van Emmanuelle Vroelant

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