Unrooted (2023) Pintura por Elena R

Acrílico en Lienzo, 39,4x27,6 in
1.525,11 US$
Precio: Envío gratis

Vendedor Elena R
Enviado desde: Montenegro (Tubo) Se envía dentro de 2 semanas
Satisfecho o reembolsado dentro de 14 días
Envío a nivel mundial
Transacción 100% segura
Devoluciones gratis
Entrega por Artmajeur: Artmajeur gestiona directamente el envío de esta obra de arte desde la recogida hasta la entrega final al cliente. Impuesto de aduana no incluido.
  • embalaje (Tubo) Todas las obras se envían cuidadosamente protegidas y aseguradas, con un transportista premium.
  • Seguimiento Seguimiento del pedido hasta la entrega al comprador. Se proporcionará un número de seguimiento para que pueda seguir el paquete en tiempo real.
  • Plazos de tiempo Entrega mundial de 3 a 7 días (Estimar)
  • Impuesto de aduana no incluido El precio no incluye gastos de aduana. La mayoría de los países no tienen impuestos de importación para obras de arte originales, pero es posible que deba pagar el IVA reducido. La oficina de aduanas calculará las tasas de aduana (si las hubiere) a la llegada y el transportista las facturará por separado.
Artmajeur hace todo lo posible para garantizarle la adquisición de obras originales auténticas al precio más justo o para reembolsarle la totalidad.
  • Certificado de autenticidad online rastreable Los certificados de autenticidad se pueden verificar en línea en cualquier momento escaneando el código de la obra de arte.
  • Certificación de la cotización de artista. Los expertos estudian el conjuto de la obra de un artista y su carrera y luego establecen una cotización media independiente y fiable. La cotización media permite situar al artista en una gama de precios durante un período determinado. También se puede solicitar a los expertos que fijen una cotizacion para una obra en particular.
Transacción 100% segura, Formas de pago aceptadas: Tarjeta de crédito, PayPal, Transferencia bancaria.
Compra directa asegurada La transacción está garantizada por Artmajeur: el vendedor recibirá el pago solo una vez que el cliente haya recibido la obra de arte.
Pago seguro 100% con certificado SSL + 3D Secure.
Devoluciones gratis: Satisfecho o reembolsado dentro de 14 días.
Se aceptan devoluciones 14 días Artmajeur está 100% comprometido con la satisfacción de los coleccionistas: tiene 14 días para devolver un trabajo original. El trabajo debe ser devuelto al artista en perfecto estado, en su embalaje original. Todos los artículos elegibles pueden ser devueltos (a menos que se indique lo contrario).
Comprar una impresión

Esta impresión está disponible en varios tamaños.

27,07 US$
46,56 US$
100,69 US$
Opiniones de clientes Excelente
Los artistas ganan regalías en cada venta

Vendedor Elena R

Licencia digital

Esta imagen está disponible para descargar con una licencia

32,48 US$
129,92 US$
270,68 US$
Resolución máxima: 2363 x 3368 px
Descargar inmediatamente después de la compra
Los artistas ganan regalías en cada venta

Vendedor Elena R

Trabajo único
Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Listo para colgar
Introducing "Unrooted" - a captivating black acrylic painting that seamlessly blends expressive artistry with powerful messages. This 70 x 100 cm masterpiece features dynamic white leaks, scripted words ("world," "peace," "human," "nature," and "rights"), and bold red acrylic spray paint accents.[...]
Introducing "Unrooted" - a captivating black acrylic painting that seamlessly blends expressive artistry with powerful messages. This 70 x 100 cm masterpiece features dynamic white leaks, scripted words ("world," "peace," "human," "nature," and "rights"), and bold red acrylic spray paint accents. "Unrooted" is more than just a painting; it's a profound exploration of interconnected themes that resonate with the human experience.

The words "world," "peace," "human," "nature," and "rights" - are hidden under the splash of red spray paint, inviting viewers to delve into the profound dialogue about our shared humanity, the environment, and universal rights.

"Unrooted" speaks not only to art enthusiasts but also to those seeking meaningful decor. Elevate your space with a piece that transcends aesthetics, resonating with a global audience interested in art that tells a story.

Measuring 70 x 100 cm, "Unrooted" is versatile enough to be the focal point of your living room, office, or creative space. Its commanding size ensures that its impact is felt from every corner of the room.

The use of red acrylic spray paint introduces a burst of energy and passion, creating a mesmerizing contrast against the serene white and deep black elements. This infusion of red adds a layer of emotion to the overall narrative.

Acquire more than just a painting; bring home a conversation starter, a work of art that prompts introspection. "Unrooted" is a testament to the power of creativity, symbolism, and the timeless pursuit of global harmony.

Order "Unrooted" now and redefine your space with a painting that transcends boundaries, sparking dialogue and contemplation. Immerse yourself in the fusion of art and meaning, where every stroke tells a story and every word resonates with universal truths.

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As an artist, I navigate the intricate terrain of humanity's pursuit of progress. In a world enamored with effectiveness, efficiency, and functionality, individuals often find themselves ensnared in a[...]

As an artist, I navigate the intricate terrain of humanity's pursuit of progress. In a world enamored with effectiveness, efficiency, and functionality, individuals often find themselves ensnared in a relentless loop, where the quest for optimization eclipses the essence of being human. We feverishly chase technological advancements, believing they hold the key to heightened efficiency, yet in this relentless pursuit, we overlook the fundamental truth: it was humanity that sparked this journey, and it is humanity that should remain at its core.

I am no stranger to this narrative; I have traversed the spectrum from burnout to depression, grappling with the weight of high-functioning anxiety within this very system. Through my art, I endeavor to disrupt this frenetic rhythm, prompting viewers to pause, to introspect, to reconnect with their emotions and physicality. I want people to stop and think about their feelings, emotions, how their bodies react, ask themselves more often "what am I actually feeling right now? why am I doing this thing now? what am I scared of? what if I try to listen now? what does it mean to me?".

The whole life, I believe, is a flux of coincidences, formed by our minds, the power of nature and people around us. It's so fragile, it can be scary, yet beautiful. When things get chaotic, I want us to think about how much control we have in our own lives. Realism isn't just going along with whatever happens; it's about taking charge and making our own path in the midst of life's changes.

With my art I want to remind us that the most important changes don't come from technology, but from how we treat ourselves and each other. I want us to slow down and be more thoughtful, listening to our bodies and our feelings. Through this, I aspire to cultivate a world where human rights, safety, and equality reign supreme—a world where progress is not measured by the speed of our stride, but by the depth of our empathy and the richness of our connection.

Ver más de Elena R

Ver todas las obras
Acrílico en Lienzo De Lino | 23,6x23,6 in
991,71 US$
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1.102,15 US$
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