Zeitgeist 1949_07 (1949) Pintura por Dimitar Russinov

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Vendedor Desart

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US$ 27,14
US$ 46,67
US$ 100,94
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Os artistas recebem seus royalties por cada venda

Vendedor Desart

  • Obras de arte originais (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Têmpera em Papel
  • Dimensões Altura 4,5in, Largura 4,5in
  • Condição da obra de arte A obra está em muito bom estado
  • Moldura Esta obra de arte não está emoldurada
  • Categorias Pinturas menos de US$ 1.000 Figurativo Cidade
Sobre esta obra: Classificação, Técnicas & Estilos Têmpera Tinta à base de emulsão, gordurosa ou magra com um pigmento. Tradicionalmente, é uma pintura usando[...]
Artista representado por Desart
noAH DIRECTORY OF INTERNATIONAL PACKAGE DESIGN III. 1989 Extending throughout 64 cities in 50 countries across the globe, the world's only creators' organization: ICO Mr Dimitar Russinov[...]


Extending throughout 64 cities in 50 countries across the globe, the world's only creators' organization: ICO
Mr Dimitar Russinov was born in 1928 in Sofia, Bulgaria. He graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts “Nikolai Pavlovich”, his speciality being “Appliedgraphics and posters”.
He is now working in the field of postage stamps, trade mark patents, print. graphic and spacearrangements of cultural and commercial exhibitions, fairs, shop arrangements etc.
Lately he has made his mark as a designer ofpackaging, mainly for consumer's foods, pharmaceuticals, food processing, perfumery andcosmetics industries. He has been awarded themost prestigious annual prize, “Golden Hands”, for 9 consecutive years, and is Chairman of theGoverment Commission on package designs at theNational Centre NIERA-Sofia.
Working independently, Dimitar has at his disposal hisown studio for colour and black and whitephotography, as well as an experimental base forserigraphy for projects and prototypes.

Ver mais de Dimitar Russinov

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Têmpera em Papel | 7,1x7,1 in
US$ 653,19
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Têmpera em Papel | 4,7x6,3 in
US$ 542,48
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Óleo em Tela | 5,7x6,7 in
US$ 653,19
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Têmpera em Papel | 5,6x5 in
US$ 542,48
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